June 1 - June 20, 2025

Environmental Science in Great Britain

How can this Xavier University Study Aboard program work for YOU?

Complete ALL of your Core science requirements during 3 weeks

Complete the Solidarity & Kinship AND the Ethics requirement of the Core during 3 weeks

Env. Sci. Majors can complete two major specific electives during the 3 weeks

Bio Majors can complete an organismal elective during the 3 weeks

Contact us for more info!


A three-week program focused on global environmental science issues and taking care of some of your core classes.

We will be based in the following locations

Day 0

Days 1-9

Days 10-15

Days 16-19

Contact us for more information or to have any questions answered.

Dr Morris (Biology)

morrisk10 @ xavier.edu
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Dr. Morris (Physics)

morrisd3 @ xavier.edu
[remove spaces to use this address]