About us

ABOUT Woman in Sustainable Development of Moldova

WiSDOM is a non-profit organization headquartered in Chisinau, Moldova. Our projects are focused in rural areas, by offering sustainable descentralized and simple solutions accessible to a wide range of population.

We believe that the change in menthality and attitude for a sustainable way of life can be achieved by raising awareness of local stakeholders through the implementation of demonstration projects and creating premises for replicating the success stories. Through our initiatives we offer solutions for immediate benefits for local population, but also seek for a long term environmental and social impact.


The harmony between humankind and nature is a compromise between covering the human needs and protection of natural resources. WISDOM believes that sustainable development is a matter of considering natural resource protection as a human need.

WiSDOM is a member of the following international networks:

The Global Water Partnership

integrated water resource management

Sustainable Sanitation Alliance SuSanA

sustainable sanitation

WECF Women in Europe for a common future

exchanging information and best practices in the areas of:

energy and climate change;

water and sanitation;

biodiversity and food;

gender and rights;

chemicals and health