Former post-doctoral, research associates and graduate students

Dr Jalila Filali (Postdoctoral fellow)

Satellite cameras: video analysis and segmentation using deep learning for environmental information extraction.

Dr. Mathilde Le Moullec (Postdoctoral fellow)

Co-fluctuation in the spatial synchrony of caribou and arctic shrubs.

Mathilde works now  as a  research scientist at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources.

Dr. Martin Leclerc (Postdoctoral fellow)

Migration and predation in an herbivore-omnivore-carnivore system.

Martin is now an assistant professor at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.

Dr Candice Michelot (Postdoctoral fellow)

Space use by migratory caribou and interactions with wolves and black bears.

Candice is now a post-doctoral fellow at Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Dr. Mael Le Corre (Postdoctoral fellow, 2016-2017)

Identification of the main migration corridors for the Rivière-George and Rivière-aux-Feuilles herds and study of past variations.

Maël is now a post-doctoral fellow at the  Muséum  national d'Histoire naturelle (France).

Dr. Mathieu Leblond (Postdoctoral fellow, 2014-2017)

Influence of climate, population size, plant phenology and industrial activities on spatial and temporal patterns of caribou migration.

Mathieu works as research scientist at Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Dr. Julien Beguin (Postdoctoral fellow, 2013-2015)

Influence of biotic and abiotic disturbances on diversity patterns and organization of forest plant communities.

Julien now works at the Institut de Recherche sur les Forêts (Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue).

Dr. Glenn Yannic (Postdoctoral fellow, 2010-2014)

Structure and genetic exchanges between caribou populations. (Codirection: L. Bernatchez).

Glenn is now an assistant professor at Université de Savoie (France).

Dr. Gaëlle Darmon (Postdoctoral fellow, 2010-2012)

Integration of knowledge in a global model of deer-forest-silviculture relationships, Anticosti.

Gaëlle works as a consultant for Petra Maritima (France).

Dr. Bert Hidding (Postdoctoral fellow, 2010-2011)

Modelling the population dynamics of balsam fir seedlings in relation to white-tailed deer density.

Bert now works as a policy consultant at the Delfland waterboard.

Dr. Joaquin Ortego (Postdoctoral fellow, 2010)

Temporal variation in genetic diversity in mountain goats.

Joaquin is now a researcher at the Estación Biológica de Doñana (Spain).

Dr. Nathalie Pettorelli (Postdoctoral fellow, 2005-2006)

Habitat-productivity relationships in large herbivores.

Nathalie is now a professor at the Institute of Zoology of the Zoological Society of London.

Dr. Marylène Boulet (Postdoctoral fellow, 2004-2005)

Population genetics of caribou of northern Quebec.

Marylène is now working for the CUEFR of Sherbrooke University and at Bishop's University.

Dr. Stéphanie Pellerin (Postdoctoral fellow, 2003)

Impacts of white-tailed deer on peatlands of Anticosti Island.

Stéphanie is now adjunct professor at the Institut de recherche en biologie végétale, Université de Montréal.

Linda Nowack (Ph.D., 2018-2023)

Seasonal variation in space use and habitat selection by black bears.

Barbara Vuillaume (Ph.D., 2015-2023)

Determinants of annual caribou survival by age and sex (Co-director: M. Festa-Bianchet).

Barbara is now a post-doctoral fellow  at the Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 (France).

Michaël Bonin (Ph.D., 2015-2020)

Contribution of migratory caribou to diets of northern predators. (Co-director: C. Dussault).

Michaël works as biologist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City.

Sabrina Plante (Ph.D., 2012-2019)

Impacts of human disturbance on habitat selection and demography of migratory caribou. (Co-director: C. Dussault).

Sabrina works as biologist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City.

Emilie Champagne (Ph.D., 2013-2017)

Influence of plant-plant interactions on the susceptibility of species browsed by white-tailed deer. (Codirection; Direction: J.-P. Tremblay).

Émilie is now a research scientist at the Ministère  des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts in Quebec City.

Mael Le Corre (Ph.D., 2009-2016) 

Habitat selection and migration patterns of migratory caribou. (Codirection: C. Dussault).

Mael is now a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland, UK).

Karine Pigeon (Ph.D., 2007-2015) 

Climate changes and denning behaviour of grizzly bears in Alberta.

Karine is now a senior biologist at the  BC Provincial Government.

Marie-Andrée Giroux (Ph.D., 2007-2014)

Resource selection of white-tailed deer. (Codirection: J.-P. Tremblay).

Marie-Andrée is now a doctor of medicine candidate.

Joëlle Taillon (Ph.D., 2007-2012)

Reproduction and body condition of female caribou. (Codirection: M. Festa-Bianchet).

Joëlle now works as a research scientist at the MELCCFP  in Quebec City.

William Crosmary (Ph.D., 2007-2012) 

Effects of sport hunting on the ecology and behaviour of African ungulates. (Codirection: H. Fritz).

William is now a technical and scientific advisor for the International Foundation for Wildlife Management.

Aaron Shafer (Ph.D., 2007-2012)

Genetic structure of mountain goat populations. (Codirection; Direction: D. Coltman).

Aaron is now an Assitant Professor at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario.

Ariane Massé (Ph.D., 2002-2010; passage accéléré au doctorat)

Habitat use and foraging behaviour of female white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island.

Ariane now works as a scientist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City.

Anouk Simard (Ph.D., 2002-2010; passage accéléré au doctorat)

Effects of natural and experimental variations of density on body condition and reproduction of white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island.

Anouk now works as a scientist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City.

Vanessa Viera (Ph.D., 2003-2010)

Energetics and aggressiveness in king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) during the breeding period. (Codirection: R. Groscolas).

Vanessa works as a biologist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City.

Antoine St. Louis (Ph.D., 2002-2010)

Ecology and conservation of a rare Equid, the kiang (Equus kiang) in Ladakh, India.

Antoine now works as a scientist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City.

Julien Mainguy (Ph.D., 2004-2008)

Genetic variability, phenotypic quality, and reproductive success of male mountain goats. (Codirection: D. Coltman).

Julien now works as a scientist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City.

Sandra Hamel (Ph.D., 2002-2008; passage accéléré au doctorat à l'été 2004)

Costs of reproduction in female mountain goats.

Sandra is now an associate professor at the Université Laval.

Serge Couturier (Ph.D., 2001-2007)

Body condition of caribou in Québec-Labrador. (Codirection; Direction: J. Huot).

Serge is now retired as a scientist of the MRNF in Quebec City and works as a consultant.

Jean-Michel Jacques (M.Sc., 2020-2024)

Use and habitat selection of white-tailed deer males during autumn.

Catherine Pouchet (M.Sc., 2019-2023)

Cumulative effects of parasitism and winter ticks in eastern moose (Co-director: C. Prada).

Catherine is now a research professional at IRDA.

Mallorie Trottier-Lavoie (M.Sc., 2019-2023)

Development of a genomic tool for caribou protection (Co-director; Director: C. Robert).

Mallorie is now a project manager at the Centre du Développement du porc du Québec

Albert Michaud (M.Sc., 2019-2022)

Behavioral responses of mountain goats to climate warming.

Abert is  now a M.Sc. student in wildlife filmmaking.

Morgan Dedato (M.Sc., 2019-2021)

Demographic history and conservation genomics of Quebec caribou (Co-director; Director: A. Shafer).

Morgan works now as a science communication researcher at the Toronto Zoo.

Aimie Baribeau (M.Sc., 2019-2022)

Evaluation of the management strategy on Anticosti Island and characterization of habitat use by white-tailed deer (Co-director; Director: J.-P. Tremblay).

Aimie is now a program manager at the Fondation de la faune du Québec.

Sophiane Béland (M.Sc., 2018-2022)

Fine-scale habitat selection of the migratory caribou in summer, using camera collars. (Co-director: M. Bernier).

Sophiane works now as a biologist at the MELCCFP in the Outaouais region.

Alexis Brodeur (M.Sc., 2017-2021)

Muskox space use, habitat selection and diet in Nunavik

Alexis works now as a biologist at the MELCCFP in Sept-Îles.

Evelyne Lemay (M.Sc., 2017-2020)

Conséquences indirectes de la densification des arbustes en région subarctique sur les ressources alimentaires estivales du caribou migrateur: influence de la neige et de l'atténuation de lumière (Codirection; Direction: J.-P. Tremblay).

Evelyne works now as a biologist  for the SÉPAQ in Quebec City

Florent Déry (M.Sc., 2017-2020)

Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic parameters on mountain goat vigilance behavior.

Florent is now a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Sandra Hamel and Jean-Pierre Tremblay as part of the Tique-Orignal-Climat research partnership.

Béatrice Carrier (M.Sc., 2015-2019)

Combined effects of environmental factors and life history traits on summer weight gain and annual survival rate in the  hoary marmot.

Beatrice is now working as a project coordinator for the Huron-Wendat Nation.

Frédéric Dulude-de Broin (M.Sc., 2016-2019)

Influence of predation on the reproduction of mountain goats through a chronic increase in stress levels.

Frédéric is a Ph.D. student in the laboratory of Pierre Legagneux at the Université Laval.

Jérémie Fuller (M.Sc., 2015-2019) 

Genetic differentiation and selection in introduced white-tailed deer of Anticosti Island. (Codirection: L. Bernatchez).

Jérémie now works as a biologist in charge of the proposed Anticosti biodiversity reserve for the MELCCFP.

Marianne Gagnon (M.Sc., 2015-2018)

Association between diversity genetic and survival in migratory caribou. (Co-director: G. Yannic).

Marianne works as biologist for the Canadian Wildlife Service.

Myriam Cadotte (M.Sc., 2015-2017) 

Mycophagy by white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island. (Codirection: J. Bérubé)

Myriam now works as an environmental inspector at the MELCCFP.

Pascale Ayotte (M.Sc. (2014-2017), professionnelle de recherche (2017-2018))

Life-history strategies of white-tailed deer in response to variations in environmental conditions on Anticosti Island.

Pascale works now as Consultation Project Officer for the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Sustainable Development Institute.

Edouard Bélanger (M.Sc., 2014-2017) 

Space use, habitat selection and survival of the Torngat caribou herd.

Edouard is now working as Wildlife Biologist for the Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board.

Nicolas Houde (M.Sc., 2013-2016) 

Effectiveness of trails and artificial grasslands to increase the vulnerability of deer to hunting. (Codirection; Direction: J.-P. Tremblay).

Nicolas is now self-employed in biology.

Allen Brett Campeau (M.Sc. 2014-2016) 

Spatiotemporal variation in the range use of migratory caribou. (Co-direction: N. Coops).

Brett now works as an attorney at First Peoples Law LLP..

Andrea Panagakis (M.Sc., 2014-2016) 

The influence of early reproductive events on lifetime reproductive success in female mountain goats.

Andrea works as school programs manager at the Montana Natural History Centre

Karina Charest (M.Sc., 2013-2016) 

Role of post-weaning associations in mountain goats.

Karina is now a procurement specialist at BBA Consultants.

Alice-Anne Simard (M.Sc., 2012-2015) 

Relationship between body condition and parasitism in migratory caribou.

Alice-Anne is currently working for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CDB) Secrétariat.  

Alexandre Rasiulis (M.Sc., 2011-2015) 

Survival of migratory caribou in Quebec-Labrador. (Codirection: M. Festa-Bianchet).

Alexandre is now a program manager at the Fondation de la faune du Québec.

Valérie Saucier (M.Sc., 2012-2015) 

Impact of climate changes and browsing on summer resources of caribou. (Codirection; Direction: J.-P. Tremblay).

Valerie is now a self-employed biology, science animation and environmental education worker.

Amélie Drolet (M.Sc., 2012-2015) 

Impacts of oil drilling noise on habitat use of white-tailed deer.(Codirection: C. Dussault).

Amélie is now an Environment Advisor at Hydro-Québec.

Michaël Bonin (M.Sc., 2012-2015) 

Adaptations of white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island to a winter diet dominated by conifers. (Codirection: J.-P. Tremblay)

After completing his PhD in 2020 in my laboratory, Michaël is now a biologist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City.

Julien Hénault-Richard (M.Sc., 2011-2014)

Space use of mountain goats in Jasper National Park. (Codirection: J. Wilmshurst).

Julien is now a research professional in my lab.

Rachel Théoret-Gosselin (M.Sc., 2009-2012) 

Long-term reproductive effort in mountain goats.

Rachel is now an arctic wildlife biologist for the WWF.

Melanie Pachkowski (M.Sc., 2009-2012) 

Body condition of migratory caribou. (Codirection; Direction: M. Festa-Bianchet).

Melanie now works as a Conservation Officer for the Government of Alberta.

Emilie Champagne (M.Sc., 2009-2012) 

Impact of the abundance of migratory caribou on their food resources in the summer range. (Codirection; Direction: J.-P. Tremblay).

Émilie is now a research scientist at the Ministère  des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts in Quebec City.

Étienne Cardinal (M.Sc., 2007-2010)

Impacts of white-tailed deer on songbirds on Anticosti Island. (Codirection: J.-L. Martin).

Etienne works for Parks Canada in Jasper.

François Lebel (M.Sc., 2008-2010)

Visibility and hunting success on Anticosti Island. (Codirection: C. Dussault).

François is working as a biologist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City..

Léon L'Italien (M.Sc., 2007-2010)

Reproductive strategies of male reindeer in Finland. (Codirection: R. Weladji).

Léon works as an aquatic wildlife respondent for the St. Lawrence Estuary for the MELCCFP.

Sophie Godde (M.Sc., 2007-2010) 

Social networks in mountain goats. (Codirection; Direction: D. Réale).

Sophie is now Vice President, Development at the Corporation de développement de la rivière Noire (CDRN).

Catherine Bajzak (M.Sc., 2005-2008)

Diving behavior and habitat use of hooded seals. (Codirection: M. Hammill).

Cathy is now a research professional in my laboratory.

Jean-François Therrien (M.Sc., 2004-2006)

Maternal reproductive effort in relation to intraspecific competition in white-tailed deer. (Codirection: M. Festa-Bianchet).

Jean-François is now a researcher at the Mountain Hawk Sanctuary in Pennsylvania.

Valérie Harvey (M.Sc., 2003-2006)

Habitat use at different spatial scales in grey seals of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Codirection:M. Hammill).

Valérie is now working as a biologist at Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Joëlle Taillon (M.Sc., 2003-2005)

Effects of forage quality in winter on the social behavior of white-tailed deer fawns on Anticosti Island.

Joelle obtained a Ph.D. in my laboratory in 2012 and is now working as a scientist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City.

Marie-Lou Coulombe (M.Sc., 2002-2005)

Influence of population density on the foraging behavior and time budget of white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island. (Codirection: J. Huot).

Marie-Lou now works as a biologist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City.

Daniel Sauvé (M.Sc., 2002-2005)

Influence of winter diet on the body condition of white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island.

Daniel is now a Senior Evaluator at Health Canada in Ottawa.

Yanick Gendreau (M.Sc., 2001-2003)

Post-weaning maternal care in mountain goats. (Codirection: M. Festa-Bianchet).

 Yanick now works as a biologist at Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Caroline Hins (Research professional, 2008-2017)

Caroline works as biologist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City.

Sonia de Bellefeuille (Research professional, 2003-2015)

Sonia works as biologist at the MELCCFP in Quebec City.

Dr. Emilie Champagne (Research professional, 2012) 

Emilie is now a research scientist at the Ministère  des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts in Quebec City.

Denis Duteau (Research professional, 2002-2010)

Denis is now working for Sepaq.

Dr. Robert Weladji (Research associate, 2005-2006)

Deer-forest relationships.

Robert is now an associate professor at Concordia University, Montréal.

Dr. François Fournier (Research associate, 2003-2004)

Nutritional ecology of white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island.

François now works as Manager, Wildlife and Habitat Assessment, at Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Dr. Christian Dussault (Research associate, 2001-2003)

Habitat use of white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island.

Christian now works as a scientist for the Quebec government and collaborates with us on many projects.