Programmes de recherche

1- Ecology and management of mountain goats 

This long-term study investigates the factors affecting individual variations in behaviour, reproductive success and population dynamics. It also addresses the links between life-history traits and animal behaviour. This project is built on a database that began in 1988 and fieldwork is continuing. For further information, consult the website: 

2- Ecology of white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island

This project is part of the NSERC industrial research Chair in integrated resource management of Anticosti Island that I'm directing. The main goal of this Chair is to develop forest and wildlife management methods adapted to high deer densities. We are particularly interested in the patterns of deer habitat use in relation to forest structure, hunting and population density, resource selection and deer nutrition. This project was initiated in early summer 2001. Website:

3- Ecology and demography of caribou and their predators in Québec-Labrador

This project investigates patterns of space use, life-history traits, habitat, genetics and demography of the Rivière George and the Rivière-aux-Feuilles caribou herds. We also work on the ecology of large mammals in interaction with migratory caribou, i.e. black bears, wolves, muskox and the mountain caribou of the Torngat.  This project started in 2006 and will continue at least until 2028. Website:

Since 2018, Caribou Ungava has been collaborating with several university and government researchers as part of a research partnership for the development of genomic tools to manage and protect caribou populations. For further information, consult the partnership website: 

4- Role of the winter tick in the ecology of moose populations in eastern Canada

This research program aims to understand and predict the dynamics of interactions between winter tick and moose populations in eastern Canada as a function of current and anticipated climatic conditions and moose population densities.This project started in 2019 and will continue at least until 2023. Website: