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I am also interested in animating movement of elements on scroll. Let's say I have 3 card and as I scroll the care apea one by one when I scroll from a position of X= -100 to X= 0 while the hole scrolled is sopped. In other wards when the uses get to a point the normal scroll stops and as they scroll the card move from right to left raveling themself and moving into their position and ten the normal scrolling behavior start again. An example would be .

I don't think there is an absolute one-way-fits-all solution, so things will probably depend a lot on how exactly you imagine things to be working and how advanced your understanding of ScrollTrigger, JS and video-processing is, in general.

While we don't offer tutorials for effects you might have seen on other websites in this forum, searching the forums (and, too) is always a great start for finding examples for different effects.

If you're having trouble with getting things properly setup for your videos being scrubbed through smoothly, you might want to consider going down a different route, scrubbing through sprites / image sequences instead...

As mentioned, things will heavily depend on how advanced your understanding of ScrollTrigger is. If you understand how the basic principles work and have a decent understanding of how to create the proper setup & logic for your needs around ScrollTrigger, i.e. your HTML/CSS/JS and asset preparation, almost anything is possible - if it is not logically impossible.

For getting a good grasp of ScrollTrigger's core principles, I'd suggest @Carl's ScrollTrigger Express course - and since ScrollTrigger is tied to GSAP, signing up for his Creative Coding Club will benefit you in general, as he also offers great courses for GSAP in general, and understanding GSAP's basics is sort of a pre-requisite for understanding ScrollTrigger.

So if for that question you could maybe try and re-formulate what exactly you are having problems with, alongside a minimal demo of what you have tried so far, maybe somebody will be able to help. Best would be, to also create a new thread for that question, as this does not have much to do with the title of this one, and it might be more helpful for others in future too, if that question would be topic of a different thread.

But as I already mentioned above - be aware that this forum is not intended for providing 'how do I do this special effect I saw somewhere else' custom-code solutions and tutorials, as the forum guidelines state.

It's not just in Google Chrome; Firefox [Win 11] has the same choppy result for me.

Honestly, I couldn't tell for sure, but my best guess is, that this is related to the encoding of your video;

which is super important for this and also mentioned earlier here...

Just from a quick glimpse at the specs of both videos, I can see huge differences between them;

for instance, you use a much higher resolution (1920x1080 vs 960x540 in the original pen) and a much higher framerate (60 fps vs 30 fps in the original codepen) - so naturally the browser would already have to do a whole lot more work with your video compared to the one in the original pen even if you followed the advice on the encoding of the video apart from the points mentioned.

Besides pointing you towards down-sizing the quality of your video and re-iterating the part about the proper encoding of your video, there isn't much I can give you advice on; as that is most likely more related to how your video is encoded / set up in general.

Yep, I bet @akapowl is correct - smoothly scrubbing video is highly dependent on how you encode your video (frame rate, codec, fps, and...most importantly...keyframe placement/frequency). It's totally unrelated to GSAP/ScrollTrigger.

So this worked great for the most part. Unfortunately, iOS does not play nicely with .webm files. Doesn't work at all on iOS. I ended up following along with this tutorial from CSS tricks that seemed to address the issue of transparent video not playing on iOS:

The codec and pix_fmt they use is incompatible with their -crf parameter (Constant Rate Factor), which as specified above is very important to the rate of how the video is scrolled through. And as I understand the article, this pix_fmt is necessary for Finder to recognize it and be able to reencode it. I'm at a loss of what to do. I have little to no knowledge of video encoding, and was very happy I was able to get it working previously. If anyone has any ideas, I'm not entirely sure how the Constant Rate Factor effects the animation, it seems to be in reference to frames from the post above but when I search it up it only seems to reference resolution:


I'm at a loss of what to do on iOS

Here are some of my personal observations regarding video encoding, aimed at assisting anyone interested in this domain. These are the key elements that would most directly affect the performance and effectiveness of attaching the video to a scrollbar for scrubbing operations:

-vf "scale=-1:1080": This scales the video height to 1080 pixels while maintaining the aspect ratio.

-preset slow: Though this setting makes the encoding process slower, it provides better compression, which could be beneficial for smooth scrubbing because smaller file sizes usually load faster.

-movflags +faststart: This is crucial for video scrubbing. It allows the video to start playing before it is completely downloaded, making it quicker to start viewing during a scrub operation.

-keyint_min 6 -g 6: These settings control the interval between keyframes, which are the frames used as reference points for the frames that follow. Fewer frames between keyframes can make seeking more accurate but may increase file size. These settings are vital for smooth and accurate scrubbing.

-an: Disabling the audio.

-crf 20: This controls the quality of the video. Depending on your needs, you might want to adjust this to find a balance between video quality and file size, which will affect the speed and smoothness of scrubbing.

-format yuv420p: Ensures broader compatibility with media players.

@Ninthony , the ProRes 4444 codec is known for generating large file sizes due to its high-quality, near-lossless or lossless nature, designed to retain the utmost amount of information. While this is advantageous for preserving both quality and transparency, it is not conducive for minimizing file size, streaming, or smooth scrubbing.

Given that smooth scrubbing and transparency are critical for your project, along with iOS compatibility, here are a few alternative strategies for managing transparent videos on iOS while potentially achieving smaller file sizes. While I haven't tested these methods personally, they might be worth exploring:

HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding, also referred to as H.265) supports alpha channel encoding, offering a more efficient alternative to ProRes 4444. This codec has the potential to reduce file size while retaining transparency.

AV1 is a newer, open-source codec with support for alpha channel encoding, and is more efficient than ProRes 4444. However, be aware that support for AV1 on iOS devices might still be limited, Apple AV1 Support - Bitmovin 152ee80cbc

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