Access Membership Area

If you find the materials presented in the masterclasses or at the recitals to be helpful and/or inspiring and you would like have access to them for your own development, you will need to subscribe by purchasing the $5 PayPal subscription. An email confirmation will be sent to you with a password that will allow you to access all the members only content

Tour of Membership area

The video gives a quick overview of what's available in the members area and what you are getting for your $5/month membership

(so much more has been added since this video was made)

By subscribing to the members area, you will be gaining access to a sequenced curriculum with hundreds of practice aids. This includes resources to help prepare standard Horn Solo repertoire. There are also original compositions, sacred arrangements, and many other resources that can help you achieve your maximum horn potential 

In the confirmation e-mail, you will receive a password that will allow you access to the membership area. 

Once you have the Password, simply click on the Access Member Area button below. Enter your name and the password. Then click the link to access the Member area