In the News

Everyone knows we have the National Guard in the state and how great they are. But today, I want to tell you about another Army that we have.

It is the West Virginia Mask Army – a dedicated group of doctors, nurses, health care workers and seamstresses who have literally formed a battalion of sewing hubs in the past month.

Five women – Rose Ayoob (A-YUBE), Hilary Brewster, Anna Strait, Suzanne Strait and Patricia Rogers organized quickly and just a month later, have sewn and distributed thousands of medical quality masks across the state. These founders are truly the generals leading the charge.

Recovery Point residents have joined the West Virginia Mask Army movement. They delivered their first batch of 184 masks on April 18th and picked up an additional 5 filter kits of mask-making materials. This is made possible by groundwork laid by many leaders in the Charleston recovery community, including founders and core volunteers of SOAR (Solutions Oriented Addiction Response), Sarah Stone, Joe Solomon, Brooke Parker and Regina Bell Eversole.

Kimberly Musser and the entire team with the West Virginia Mask Army's Potomac Highlands Chapter were recommended to be showcased as WV STRONG for their tireless efforts sewing masks for our healthcare providers. Thank you all!

West Virginia Mask Army is leading the country with the innovative use of furnace filters rated to filter viruses.