how it works

We collect the best materials available for making masks and provide them, along with instructions at our Hubs.

Volunteers pick up materials at locations listed on our Find Your Hub page.

Volunteers take materials home and sew masks while practicing social distancing.

Volunteers drop off masks at locations listed on our Find Your Hub page.

We take requests from medical facilities and first responders.

We supply masks to medical facilities and first responders.

Medical facilities and first responders sterilize masks for use/reuse.*

*The reuse of certain PPE has not been extensively studied because of seemingly unlimited resources in our country. This makes all regulatory committees (CDC, FDA, NIOSH, etc.) hesitant to give guidelines on sterilization/reuse.

We recommend that all medical facilities using Patricia Masks continue to demand regulated PPE from our government. In the meantime, everyone should continue to follow their hospital/facility guidelines for use and reuse of PPE.

Everyone should continue to follow the appropriate doffing and donning of PPE.