Daily Progress

Our day-by-day progress in developing a solution to the Wumpus World Problem (in and out of class meetings)


  • Downloaded the necessary software

  • Learned how the game is played


  • Developed our first rough algorithm


  • Ran into downloading issues

  • Assessed and talked about the problem

  • Continue to develop our algorithm as we tested different maps

    • Decided to always shoot the wumpus when found

    • Discussed how to locate pit and wumpus

  • Laid out next steps


  • Our website was born

    • Created the home page

    • Transferred our algorithm to the site. Check it out!


  • Ran through the simulation as a group

  • Tested our algorithm to find possible bugs

  • Made improvements on the rough algorithm

  • Developed a solid foundation


  • Solidified the plan for the algorithm

  • Started first steps of coding

    • Laid out where everything goes

  • Added more pages to the website

  • Updated progress page


  • Began coding based upon our algorithm

  • Solidified a plan for the structure of what we needed to develop

  • Realized (0,0) is the bottom left corner rather than top left corner

    • Made a note to account for this in the future


  • Individual coding

    • Created the methods and functions we would use in the move function

      • Neighbor function

      • Our own board to keep track of everything we've encountered

      • Function that saves moves

      • Function that checks and updates our grid based upon given conditions

      • Function to call when location of gold is identified

      • Function to return home after getting the gold

      • Function to kill Wumpus

      • Function that determines whether or not the next desired space is safe


  • Made changes to the code so that it's more efficient

  • Accounted for (0,0) being at the bottom left corner

  • Worked on the move function

    • Ran into issues with trying to get our robot to move all the way back to the left after it encounters an obstacle


  • Discussed functions we had written individually

  • Tried to run the program and realized our robot isn't moving

    • Debugged

    • Made some changes to our move function

    • Gave our robot more methods

  • Talked about the next steps of implementing these functions in our move function

  • Began addressing the move function directly


  • Started testing our code on the simulation provided to make sure it runs

  • Realized our wumpus would fall off the board in some scenarios; fixed this

  • Continued debugging

    • Realized we we're not reading the state correctly, and therefore causing our robot not to move past the second square

  • Touch ups on the website

    • Check out our shop!


  • Continued work on functions, mainly focusing on the move function

  • Had difficulty in setting a condition to be true for multiple moves

    • Fixed this problem by initializing the variable within the class


  • Tested our code on multiple maps to ensure it was running properly

  • Attempted to make the robot work given multiple conditions by updating our grid function

    • Ran into a bug that caused our code to run incorrectly altogether; robot would go into pits/Wumpus/off board

    • Spent time individually and as a team trying to fix this bug

    • After finally fixing the bug in our code, we ran into other issues

      • Robot would not kill Wumpus using the function

    • Continued to test our robot

    • Realized our robot works for a decent percentage of maps, except for a few scenarios


  • Attempted to fix the bug that would not run the function to kill the Wumpus properly

  • Fixed a bug with the glitter/gold, ensuring that once the robot found the gold, it would return home

  • Continued to try to fix the Wumpus, as well as double scenario issues for the remainder of the time