

  • 0 - Empty

  • 1 - Pit

  • 2 - Gold

  • 3 - Wumpus


  • A few visuals are shown to the right and below, depicting our initial plans for updating the grid and developing our algorithm

  • Final algorithm is shown below visuals

Final Algorithm

Condition for various possibilities:

  • If current location state = breeze/stench

    • Save information in history

    • Move back a space

      • Check history set to see if it's safe before moving

    • Proceeds to the new location

  • If current location state = glitter

    • Save information in history

    • Move forward

      • Check history set to see if it's safe before moving

    • Proceeds to the new location

  • If current location state = continue

    • Save information

    • Continue moving forward

      • Check history set to see if safe

      • If the location to the right is not safe, then the robot will backup all the way to the left until it is safe

      • If the robot backed up to the left edge of the board, it will attempt to move up and continue the algorithm

        • If the robot cannot move up, it will move to the right and attempt to move up again until the location is safe

    • Proceeds to the new location

isSafe Function

  • Each space in the grid holds information about what we have discovered and changes it accordingly. This information is then used to determine the robot's next moves.

  • If new location is within border edges :

    • Change values to Wumpus/pit/gold

      • If there are two breezes adjacent to a particular square, mark the square as a pit

        • Mark other locations pit could be in as safe

      • If there are two stenches that are adjacent to a particular square, mark the square as a Wumpus

        • Mark other possible locations as safe

      • If there are two glitters that are adjacent to a particular square, mark the square as a gold

        • Move to get it

    • If can move forward → move forward (also must be safe)

    • Else --> move back

Stench - 2 neighbors - confirms - Wumpus - (two of the same # neighbor)

  • If Wumpus marked in the grid, our robot must be in an adjacent space

    • Shoot Wumpus and continue algorithm, whether through where the Wumpus was or not

      • Wumpus location will be considered safe in our check grid function after shooting it and the stench spots will be marked as safe

Two breeze - 2 neighbors - confirms - breeze (two of the same # neighbor)

  • Mark the the pit through our check grid function

    • Other possible spaces can then be ruled out, mark those as safe

If state = glitter

  • Function to get gold will be enacted, checking safe locations around the glitter to get the robot to the gold

Once gold found

  • The robot will retrace it's steps and return to the starting location
