Wellness Policies

Introduction The Vermont’s School Wellness Policy

The WSWSU schools Wellness Policies were as developed using Local School Wellness Policy Final Rule and USDA’s Smart Snacks Nutrition Standards for all Foods Sold in Schools, as required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. As changes are made, the School Wellness Policy will be updated to comply with the federal minimum requirements. As participants in the National School Lunch Program and/or the School Breakfast Program we are required to develop and implement a local wellness policy (LWP).

A LWP is a written document that guides the LEA to create supportive school nutrition and physical activity environments. The responsibility for developing, implementing, and evaluating a wellness policy is placed at the local level, so the unique needs of each school under the LEA’s jurisdiction can be addressed.

Below are the individual school's Wellness Policies.