Extra-galactic Working Group

Leads : Jarle Brinchmann (IA, jarle@astro.up.pt)  &  Richard Ellis (UCL, richard.ellis@ucl.ac.uk)

Mailing list of the Extra-galactic WG: wst_extgal@eso.org

Members of this WG: list

Science cases for the White Book

Each main case for the white book should have a separate wiki page.

Registering your interests

We very much would like to collect your science interests to help organise the preparation of the White Paper. For that reason we would like to ask you to fill in the following form if you have not already done so: Form. Please if you want to join to the working group, send a note to Jarle Brinchmann and Richard Ellis (emails above).


2023-02-24:  Live telecon notes. The slides can be found here. You can find the recording here (~1 Gb) and the (unedited!) transcript here. The chat was also archived and can be found here.  

2023-07-21:  Live telecon notes. The slides can be found here. You can find the recording here (~0.25 Gb), unfortunately no transcript was created this time. The chat was also archived and can be found here.  

2023-12-01: We forgot to take notes, but the slides presented can be found here. The meeting was recorded and this can be found here (~150 Mb) with an unedited transcript here. The chat was also archived and can be found here.

Documents specifically for the working group