2018 Club Championship

Club Championship - Sept 22

Notice of Race

Something new this year, Portsmouth (sail what you bring), and sail your boat to it's optimum.

Invitations are going out to the fleet captains of the following qualifying fleets

Lasers, Lido, DS, Thistle, Youth (420 or Laser), Holley (420) and Last year's winner (Kent) - Boats can be fully equipped, spinnakers (DS, Thistle, 420) and trapeze (420)

Wind strength has to be at least 5 mph to race, no upper limit.

Crews will assemble for racing only if weather conditions warrant. This will be "Maverick's surfer" style and if the weather reports show poor winds we will roll the race over to the next Saturday. Yes, we will race in the rain.

Sailing Instructions for follow

Portsmouth Rating

Formula CT=(ETx100)/HC

CT is corrected time

ET is elapsed time

HC is either the wind handicap number or basic D-PN

Multiplier - 100 is US - Europeans use 1000

If the wind handicap is agreed then the RC will take wind measurements at the start, middle and end of each race and take the average