Net Impact Chapter at Wisconsin School of Business


Net Impact mobilizes new generations to use their skills and careers to drive transformational, social, and environmental change through business. The Wisconsin School of Business Net Impact chapter connects and empowers MBA and other graduate business students and partners across campus to drive change on campus and throughout their careers in every sector.

Our university chapter is part of the broader NET IMPACT organization which connects us with the resources and connections that help us learn and connect with sustainable business minds across the US and the world.

What we've done

Our club connects sustainably minded business students with the resources they need to connect with sustainability professionals and resources to help them in their careers. The club promotes and presents events and programming that highlight ESG initiatives and brings sustainability issues to light. Our annual Sustainability Competition brings students of all backgrounds to Grainger Hall to present plans on how to make Grainger more sustainable. Winning ideas, and any ideas created, receive assistance to apply with the Office of Sustainability's Green Fund to make the plans a reality. We have also hosted business leaders from companies such as SC Johnson to present on the work they are doing and how they address the trade-offs sustainable actions take in reality.