Please use the guidelines below to help you get started in bringing your classroom out into nature.  These ideas are here to help you feel comfortable and secure in getting your students outside.

Classrooms in Nature Guidelines


The purpose of this guideline is to inform and prepare teachers to bring their classroom outdoors with ease, effective learning, and safety in mind. 

Before Heading Outside ( Steps 1 - 3 )

Step1: Assessment of Property

Step 2: Creating Boundaries

Step 3: Delegating Goals, Expectations, and Materials

Heading Outside ( Steps 4 -  6)

Step 4: Trial Run

Step 5: Debrief

Step 6: Time Extension

When you and your students are ready to extend the outdoor lesson, utilize steps above but break up the goal in time increments.

Example Lesson:

The 5-Senses Eye Spy

Goal: Students will observe the outdoors and list an object of nature with a description based on the sense in a group setting.