FAQs and Feedback

Frequently Asked Questions

Check back here for the latest questions and answers about our program!

Q: When can I stop by for help with my paper or project?

A: The Write Oceania GA is available most afternoons by appointment. To ensure availability and to get the best results, be sure to get a head start on your project and schedule a meeting as soon as you know you need help. To schedule a meeting, email us at writeoceania@gmail.com.

Q: I learned how/prefer to do some of these things a different way. Is that OK?

A: Absolutely! There are many ways to go about developing your writing and other projects, and what works for one student might not work for another. With this in mind, we are simply providing some options to help you get started, especially those of you who are unfamiliar with academic writing or who haven't quite figured out what works for you yet. If our suggestions aren't a good fit, you can always check out the additional resources for each unit for some other ideas and perspectives or simply return to the tools and methods that worked for you in the past. Just be sure to follow any assignment requirements when applicable (or clear a different approach with your instructor).

Q: I missed an in-class workshop, but I would still like to learn about the topic. Is there any way I can do this?

A: Sure thing! First, check with your instructor to see whether you need to officially make up the workshop (if so, ask whether there are any specific requirements). Then check out the Write Oceania site to see whether the topic you missed has its own unit page. If not, or if you want to learn more than the online unit covers, email us at writeoceania@gmail.com to schedule a meeting with the Write Oceania GA. We'll take it from there!

Q: I have some feedback/ideas for Write Oceania. How do I share them with you?

A: Hooray for feedback! We are always excited to hear from you, whether you just want to say thanks or you have some notes on how we can improve the program. To share your feedback, please fill out the form below. You are welcome to submit anonymously, but if you have cool ideas for the program, please consider sharing your name and email address so we can give you proper credit and contact you for more information! We will take your comments into consideration as we continue to develop Write Oceania.