LS&T Spring 2021 Colloquium Series

We're excited to share the spring line-up for the LS&T Colloquium Series!

New this semester, we'll meet on Tuesdays from 3-4 pm so part-time students can join as well. Please see the details for each session below, and contact Avery Closser for details.

1. LS&T Project Updates and Collaboration Pitches

Tuesday, Feb. 23rd from 3-4pm

Five students and postdocs will either share updates on their projects to receive program-wide feedback or they will pitch a project idea to find potential collaborators across the LS&T labs. Let’s keep the interdisciplinary research in our program going strong!

2. LS&Beef: Instructional Support in Learning Technologies

Tuesday, March 16th from 3-4pm

Neil and Erin may be serving up a little beef as they discuss how instructional support (e.g., hints and scaffolding) should be designed and implemented in learning platforms. What are bad, better, and best practices? Does the learning platform matter?

3. Student Presentation: Katie’s Master's Thesis

Tuesday, April 20th from 3-4pm

As we start to near the end of the semester, we’ll celebrate Katie as she defends her master’s thesis.

4. LS&Beef: Bad Buzzwords in Education Research

Tuesday, May 11th from 3-4pm

To close out our semester, Joe and Gillian will share their thoughts on some of the worst buzzwords in education research, why we should avoid them, and how to recognize a bad buzzword. Which overused terms drive you crazy?