2017 Report

Friends of Wellington Park Annual Report 2017

Written by John Street

Friends of Wellington Park held 17 one-day working parties in 2017. We were ably led by the evergreen Peter Franklin and cooperated harmoniously with Hobart City Council, Glenorchy Council and Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service. There was only one work party cancellation due to adverse weather.

Our main projects involve walking track improvements and removal of the declared weeds Ulex Europeaus (Gorse) and Erica Lusitanica (Spanish Heath). We concentrate on the tracks that are somewhat further away from the main tourist areas and that are subject to environmental degradation. We target the weeds invading the undergrowth of the uncleared native vegetation that are difficult to treat. We weed using hand tools to minimise damage to adjacent native plants. We rely on the councils and power line managers to deal with the infestations in the cleared areas that are more easily attacked by spraying.

Over the last 5 years we have created more than 2 kilometres of new tracks to replace braided, degraded and boggy tracks.

Our achievements in 2017 were as follows:

Devils Throne Track

We created a re-routed track to Devils Throne. This was our biggest project for the year, requiring 7 work parties.

The new section of track was planned to be 800 metres in length, a daunting task for volunteers to construct. The undertaking was made more difficult since the site is about 1100 metres in elevation and it takes a little over one hour to walk there (tools had to be carried too!). Work commenced in February 2017 and was completed four months later in mid June. Towards the end of this time the winter weather became a problem in selecting suitable visiting times and occasionally there were small patches of snow on the ground while working.

Mount Connection Track

We continued work from previous years on clearing overgrown vegetation from the Mount Connection Track. This was undertaken over 3 days.

Tom Thumb Track

We did some clearing of the Tom Thumb Track (one day).


We continued work on weeding out Gorse and Erica from sites at Inglewood Fire Trail, Tolosa Park, New Town, Old Farm Road and Goat Hills. This involved attacking new areas of mature weeds as well as monitoring and follow-up removal of weeds from sites previously covered. Seed banks in the soil as well as invasions from untreated weed sites in private properties adjacent to Wellington Park mean that monitoring and treatment of seedlings will be required for many years to come.


We submitted a plan to land managers to re-route the track that connects the Devils Throne and Thark Ridge Tracks. This is awaiting final approval from some land managers before we commence work.


We purchased a hedge trimmer and protective gear with a Wildcare Grant.

John Street

Assistant Secretary

13 January 2018

Cleared track on Mount Connection summit area

Greg and Adrian at the junction, the new Devils Throne track leads off behind them

Morning break in an opening at a lovely copse of trees - Mount Connection Track

Devils Throne Reroute

At Devils Throne reroute site

Morning Refreshments

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Wellington Statistics 2017