Writing Program Administration-

Graduate Organization

WPA-GO is an organization comprised of graduate students, allies, and mentors who are dedicated to supporting graduate students in their preparation for Writing Program administration. We seek to strengthen mentoring and networking connections between graduate students and professional WPAs as well as provide opportunities for awards, organizational service, and professional development. 

Fill out our Membership Form to receive email updates!

Interested in serving on a committee? Fill out the Committee Interest Form at any time! We are always welcoming new members.

A long conference room-style table surrounded by chairs

icon by Dan Hetteix from the Noun Project

Leadership Council

The WPA-GO leadership team, elected by student membership 

Silhouettes of people connected by lines (a network)

icon by Becris from the Noun Project

Facilitating peer-to-peer community building and support networks  

Silhouette figures with various head/hair shapes and styles in a circles, arms reaching out to one another

icon by Cara Foster from the Noun Project

Developing resources for inclusive practices

A cell phone surrounded by various circles filled with social media icons (heart, thumbs up, etc.)

icon by Guilherme Furtado from the Noun Project

Promoting the work of GO and its members

Stay Informed

You can also follow WPA-GO on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and engage with us on Discord! 


Contact wpago1@gmail.com for questions, comments, or concerns.