Principal Investigator. Seasonal thermochemical storage of solar energy for low-temperature space heating, $150,000, Royal Society Catalyst Leaders, Award number 23-UOC-001-ILF, 2024-2026

Wu, W. (University of Canterbury), Zhai, J. (University of Colorado Boulder)

Principal Investigator. Accelerating transition to low carbon buildings by transforming building mass into thermal battery, $80,000, Royal Society Catalyst Seeding General, Award number 22-UOC-008-CSG, 2023-2024

Wu, W., PI (University of Canterbury); Luo, Z. (Cardiff University, UK); Cetin, K. (Michigan State University, USA); Taehoon (Yonsei University, Korea)

Principal Investigator, Fossil Fuel Free and Resilient Network for District Heating and Cooling, $150,000, National Science Foundation (NSF), Award Number 2100781, 2021-2023

Wu, W. (Tenessee State University)

Co-Principal Investigator. Development of Rechargeable Cement-based Battery to Store Energy in Building Structure, $300,000, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Award Number H21735CA, 2021-2024

Role: Li, L., PI (TSU); Wu, W., Co-PI (TSU)

Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Li, L), Implementing Undergraduate Research Projects in STEM education to Enhance Student Engagement and Close Retention Gaps, $50,000, Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR), Award Number 01054, 2020-2021

Principal Investigator (lead PI: Napolitano, R., $1,500,000), Collaborative Research: HDR DSC: Infusion of Data Science and Computation into Engineering Curricula, $15,000, National Science Foundation (NSF), Award Number 2123285, 2021-2024

Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Napolitano, R.), Educational Consortium for Energy-related Data Science & Computation in Building Engineering Programs, $300,000 ($61,500 to TSU), Department of Energy (DOE), 2021-2023