International Conference on Social Work & Sciences - Towards One Health & Sustainable Development 2022(ICSWS-TOHSD2022)
International Conference on Social Work & Sciences - Towards One Health & Sustainable Development 2022 (ICSWS-TOHSD2022)
(Online/Offline/Virtual/Hybrid Mode : Multidisciplinary Conference : 20 Days)
Each and every Small step, efforts will lead us to success. Let us make our efforts, our success, together, for each other. Leaving No One Behind
(As part of Social Work Month , Social Work Week & Social Work Day - 2022 - Celebrations, Awareness & Campaign)
Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav
(Nation Celebrating 75 Years of Independence)
World Social Work Month 2022 (March 2022)
World Social Work Week 2022
World Social Work Day 2022 (15th March 2022, Tuesday )
World Social Work Day 2022 Theme : ´Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind´
In Collaboration with
Sri Holistic Health Foundation India (SHHFI)
Sri Research Institute and Centre for Arts, Sciences & Wellbeing (SRICASW), Indian Society of Professional Social Work (ISPSW), International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW),Raja Bahadur Venkata Rama Reddy Women’s College, Hyderabad.Global Forum for Sustainable Development, Global Forum for Sustainable Rural Development, NOCER HAI RAINBOW CONSUMERS COUNCIL, Others
Composite Regional Centre For Skill Development, Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (CRC-Kozhikode)(Under the Administrative Control of NIEPMD, Chennai),Dept. of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India.
Professional Social Workers, Professional Social Work Associations, Social Work Schools & Departments, Social Work Fraternity & Stakeholders, NGOs & Others.
Conference Dates & Timings :
Dates : 13th March 2022, Sunday to 01st April 2022, Friday (20 Days)
Timings : Schedule will be updated on website on timely basis...
Venue : Online/Offline/Virtual/Hybrid Mode - Live on Website/Zoom/YouTube/Facebook/Others
(Offline only for Selected Limited Invitees due to Covid restrictions)
Free Delegate/Participant Registration Form :
Registration Forms :
Free Collaboration Registration Form :-
For Conference Collaboration /Co-Branding/Co-Signatory by Professionals/Institutions/Organizations/Departments/Corporates/Associations/NGOs/Others
Free Delegate/Participant Registration Form :-
For Participants :
Free Participant Registration Form.
Participation E-Certificates will be provided.
Online/Virtual Participation for all registered.
Offline Participation (only for Selected Limited Invitees due to Covid restrictions).
Free Speaker/Presenter/Panelist/Full Paper Registration Form :-
For Speakers / Presenters / Panelists :
Free Speaker/Presenter Registration Form.
Online/Virtual Presentations for all registered.
Pre-recorded Audiovisual Presentation should be submitted along with registration form.
Offline Presentations (only for Selected Limited Invitees due to Covid restrictions).
Presentation E-Certificates will be provided.
Limited Slots available for Presentations.
First Come First Serve basis as per availability.
No Limit on number of Presentations.
For each presentation use separate registration form.
For Presentations by Multiple Authors/Speakers/Presenters, All Authors/Speakers/Presenters must be registered individually.
Presentations are preferred in English Language due to International Participants,
However Presentations can also be made in Hindi or Telugu Languages accompanied with English Translation if available for audience.
Kindly keep your links ready after uploading to google drive the following files Photo, Topic Title, Presentation PPT, Bio-Data/Resume/CV/Profile, Pre-Recorded Audio-Video Presentation before filling the Registration Form.
Without these document links, forms will be considered incomplete, shall not be considered and accepted.
For Free Awards/ Nominations/ Application Registration Form :
For Awards
One Application for One Award/Category.
For each category use different application form
Online/Virtual Award Presentations for all selected Awards & Awardees.
Offline Award Presentations (only for Selected Limited Awards/Awardees/Invitees due to Covid restrictions).
Free Personalized Invitation Request Form :
Get Free Personalized Invitation with Your Name to your email address.
Online/Virtual Participation/Presentations for all registered.
Offline Participation/Presentations (only for Selected Limited Invitees due to Covid restrictions).
Hurry Up ! Register before the registration closes.
Let's Utilize this wonderful opportunity and open platform to present your Academic (UG/PG/M.Phil/Ph.D/Post Doc, etc...)and Non-Academic (Projects/Programs/Initiatives, etc...), Independent Research Work, Social Service, CSR, NGO Activities, Work & Life experiences in relevant fields. Lets share the knowledge and research findings with all. Lets share with our friends, colleagues, students and fraternity.
One Health : Human Health, Animal Health, Environment Health
Climate Change : Global Warming, Green House Gases...
Animal Welfare, Laws, Acts, Rules, Regulations, Code of Conduct, Ethics
Social Work & Sciences, NGOs, Volunteers, Media
Presentations :
We invite and welcome all UG/PG Students/ Research Scholars/ Faculties/ Academicians/ Departments/ Professionals/ Practitioners/ NGOs/ Corporates/ CSRs/ Funding Agencies/ Professional Associations/ Boards /Councils/ PSUs/ Stakeholders for participation & presentations on the Title & Themes and relevant Topics.
Themes/Topics :
Social Work & Sciences : Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind
Social Work & Sciences: One Health, Human Health, Animal Health, Environment Health.
Social Work & Sciences: Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Sustainable Urban Livelihood, Sustainable Rural Livelihood, Sustainable Tribal Livelihood, Rural Development.
Social Work & Sciences : Climate Change, Global Warming, Green House Gases, Pollution, Droughts, Floods, Famines, Rising Temperatures, Rising Sea Level, Melting Glaciers and Ice in Poles, Carbon Emissions, etc.
Social Work : Awareness, Education, Recognition, Accreditation Council & Employment Opportunities
Social Work & Sciences : Inter-disciplinary , Multi-disciplinary & Trans-disciplinary Approaches
Social Work & Sciences : Charity, Philanthropy, Social Service in Ancient Scriptures, Vedas, Various Religions and Spirituality and its Relevance in Ancient, Modern and Contemporary Societies
Social Work & Sciences : Languages, Mother Languages and Native Languages, Literature, Cultures, Traditions, Festivals and Traditional Knowledge Systems , Indian Social Work, Indigenous Social Work Education, Models, Theories, Curriculum & Practices and its Relevance in Ancient, Modern and Contemporary Societies in Social Service and Social Work. Indian Social Workers, Stalwarts, their significant contributions.
Social Work & Sciences : Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Social Service, Social Work and Social Entrepreneurship - Awareness, Education, Recognition, Accreditation & Employment Opportunities
Social Work & Sciences: Holistic Health & Well Being, Medical Psychiatric Social Work, Psychology, Counseling, Community and Preventive Medicine, Public Health.
Social Work & Sciences : Environment, Ecosystems, Bio-Diversity, Agriculture, Allied.
Social Work & Sciences : Animal Welfare, Education, Conservation, Protection, Wild Life, Companion Animals, Farm Animals, Animal Laws, Animal Acts, Animal Ethics, Animal Rules, Animal Regulations, Animal Research, Animal Assisted Interventions, Animal Assisted Therapies, Pet Therapies, Service Animals, Veterinary Support Services.
Social Work & Sciences : Role & Impact of Public Relations, Print Media, Electronic Media, Social Media, New Media, Mass Communication & Journalism in Social Service, Social Work and Social Sciences
Social Work & Sciences : Social Justice, Disabilities & Rehabilitation
Social Work & Sciences: Entrepreneurship, Incubators, Accelerators, Entrepreneurship Hubs/Centres, Startups, Ecosystems.
Social Work & Sciences: Covid-19, Pandemics, Epidemics, Endemics, Outbreaks, Epidemic Preparedness, Disaster Management.
And any all other Relevance topics connecting to the Title or above themes.
For Preparation : Guidelines
Note : Selected Papers shall be published in Seminar Proceedings E-Book, Online Open Journals, ISPSW Journal, after Peer review and approval.
Participation :
For Participants to Participate in the Conference, Kindly check sessions schedule and visit respective links to watch, ask your queries in chat box and leave your feedback on the session.
Zoom/WebEx Sessions Pre-Scheduling
We appreciate and thank you all the collaborators eminent guest's, speakers, presenters and all the Participants for joining us on first day i.e., 13th March 2022, of international conference. Look forward for your engagement till 01st April 2022, last day.
Wonderful opportunity for all for free collaborations, free registrations, free presentations and free participation in one week Multi-disciplinary International Conference on various themes and topics and also opportunity to publish your quality research in reputed journals.
Based on requests from UG/PG Students/ Research Scholars/ Faculties/ Academicians/ Departments/ Professionals/ Practitioners/ NGOs/ Corporates/ CSRs/ Funding Agencies/ Professional Associations/ Boards /Councils/ PSUs/ Stakeholders , considering and appreciating the diversity and digital divide widely prevailing across the world, *the team has made provisions for making Presentations online/offline/live on Zoom/Cisco WebEx Platforms for presentations on all days of Conference in English, Hindi and Telugu Languages with prior registration and confirmation.*
*We request you all to utilise this wonderful opportunity to freely Register, Pre-Schedule and make Presentations at the earliest.*
For Scheduled and Upcoming Conference Sessions Schedule visit : .
*Free Delegate/Participant Registration Form :*
*Free Speaker/Presenter/Panelist/Full Paper Registration Form :*
For Pre-Scheduling Zoom/WebEx Session, after Speaker/Presenter/Panelist registration WhatsApp Coordinator :
International Conference WSWD 2022 : ( *Sri./Dr. Ravindra R M :* +91 9705503767