from 23rd to 26th August, 2021

Kenya WorldSkills Mechatronics Competition at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology

The WorldSkills International competition is the peak vocational skills competition for young people across the world. It was started in Spain in 1950 and is currently in 85 countries all over the world.

WorldSkills Regional Organizations

WorldSkills Governance Structure

In 13th October 2020, WorldSkills Kenya (WSK) was ratified as the 84th state to host skills competitions. Kenya is preparing to participate in the upcoming completion organize by WorldSkills International (WSI) .

WSK management structure

The Kenyan TVET sector comprises of National Polytechnics, Technical Training Institutes (TTIs), Vocational Training Centres (VTCs), Technical Trainer Colleges, and any other category specified by the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education Science and Technology.

Dedan Kimathi University of Technology as one of the key approved TVET institutions has been selected to organize WSK Mechatronics through Siemens Mechatronics Certification Centre.

The full list of the approved TVET institutions

The Siemens Mechatronic Systems Certification Program is the international industry standard comprehensive skills certification in mechatronic systems offered together with Siemens SITRAIN Germany.

To organize successful Mechatronics skills competitions World Skills Kenya has selected Prof.Eng. Jean Bosco Byiringiro (Ph.D, Reg. Eng.) to champion mechatronics skills

both locally and internationally through preparing excellent competitors at Siemens Mechatronics Centre.

What is a “skill”?

A “skill” is a piece of expertise normally gained by acquiring the knowledge, skills, and behaviours associated with a particular occupation. “Skill competition” refers to a WorldSkills skill competition, which is based on one or more occupations for which there is a benchmark, description, or standard.

The skill competitions are referenced to occupations, since these are internationally understood, associated with a career, and have longevity.

The role and purpose of the WorldSkills Competition

The WorldSkills Competition sits at the top of vocational skills competitions for young people across the world. Participation is normally based on success in national and/or regional/continental skills competitions.

Competitions selected for the WorldSkills Competition should reflect their value to the occupations that most benefit from the exceptional performance of well-prepared and talented young people.

In this way, the WorldSkills Competition contributes to the collective and individual wellbeing of societies and economies worldwide.

A few of the skills competitions in Kenya are as below;