WorldPop is an interdisciplinary applied research group focusing primarily on supporting improvement of the spatial demographic evidence base and the use of these data for health and development applications, including addressing the Sustainable Development Goals. Its mission is to enable decision makers to harness the power of spatial demographic data through high quality applied research, to achieve a vision of a world where everyone, everywhere is counted in decision making.

We partner with governments, UN agencies, donors and universities around the World, to co-develop solutions using spatial demographic research. Click on the map to find out about our activities and use of our open population data.

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High spatial resolution, contemporary data on human population distributions are a prerequisite for the accurate measurement of the impacts of population growth, for monitoring changes and for planning interventions. WorldPop aims to meet these needs through the provision of detailed and open access population distribution datasets built using transparent approaches.

The WorldPop research programme, based in the School of Geography and Environmental Sciences at the University of Southampton, is a multi-sectoral team of researchers, technicians and project specialists that produces data on population distributions and characteristics at high spatial resolution.

Initiated in October 2013 to combine The AfriPop Project, AsiaPop and AmeriPop projects, we have a diverse portfolio of projects, including large multi-million-pound collaborative projects with partner organisations, commercial data providers and international development organisations.

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NEWTON, MA (USA) - A free world population point layer with 2020 population counts at 1km intervals is now available for download, providing the ability to analyze population anywhere on earth. The point locations can be explored with the tools and data already included with Maptitude mapping software, such as drive-time rings and market area reports. The provision of a seamless global person count supports a wide array of analytics ranging from environmental and emergency management to governmental and commercial.

The data is available to users of the latest version of Maptitude. The number of people per pixel were aggregated from a 100m resolution, with country totals adjusted to match the official UN population estimates. The map layer is perfect for analyzing population counts anywhere on earth, whether for sales/marketing territories or for radius and drive-distance calculations. The data are also available as shapefile, KML, KMZ, or GeoJSON for a fee.

Caliper is excited to be able to bring the power and flexibility of our Maptitude product suite to a global audience and to enable our customers to make geolocation-based decisions internationally. Maptitude ships with one country of your choice (see complete list), and additional Packages can be purchased separately. You can seamlessly switch between countries, which refreshes the Maptitude interface with localized tools for creating maps, finding locations, pin mapping (geocoding), and routing. There are now 33 Country Packages available for Maptitude 2021, covering North America, South America, Europe, South Africa, UAE, India, Australia, and New Zealand. If you have any questions about Maptitude or data availability contact Caliper.

Caliper Corporation develops state-of-the-art Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. With a focus on usability, Maptitude is designed to be a cost-effective, professional global mapping software product. Maptitude enables organizations to leverage their location-based data to improve decision making and planning, while minimizing expenditure through competitively priced solutions.

The purpose of this website is to provide an online information resource on census taking and to present current information on national, regional and international activities related to the Programme.

The website presents international standards, methods and guidelines intended to assist national statistical offices and other producers of official statistics in planning and carrying out successful population and housing censuses. It further presents national documents related to different aspects of census taking during the current and previous census rounds. A major component of the website is the census knowledge base which is a repository of methodological reports and documents from countries. Given that new methodologies and contemporary technologies are being implemented by countries in the pursuit of reduced costs, improved quality and timely dissemination of census results, the census knowledge base facilitates the international exchange and sharing of knowledge and information on various aspects of census taking.

The content of the website includes an up-to-date account of national census taking activities and of the provision of support to countries in improving their statistical capacity in census taking. Furthermore, the website provides a summary account of monitoring and progress in the implementation of the 2020 World Programme.

The importance of population censuses as a procedure to systematically acquire and record information about the members of a population has long been recognized. Since the end of the 19th century, all countries in the world have been encouraged to conduct censuses. Since the 1950s, the UN Statistics Division (UNSD), as the secretariat to the decennial World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses, has promoted population censuses worldwide under the authority of the UN Statistical Commission.

The UNSD has played a central role in supporting national census taking, especially for developing countries. Our office coordinates work on setting standards and methods, for instance, through publishing Principles and Recommendations for the Population and Housing Censuses ( _Rev2.pdf). We provide technical assistance to enhance national statistical capacity to undertake censuses through arranging thematic seminars and workshops or by providing advice. We also compile and disseminate census results from countries or areas on-line as well as in print.

The current 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses, adopted in 2005 by the UN Statistical Commission, spans from 2005 to 2014. An overwhelming majority of countries or areas in the world have committed to conduct a census at least once during this period. However, five countries have not yet indicated when they would carry out a census. Still, this represents a significant improvement over the 2000 round, when 27 countries and areas did not conduct a census.

Since the beginning of the current census round in 2005, 155 countries and areas have already conducted a census (by 1 July). This year, 2011, is one of the peak years of the 2010 round, with 69 countries and areas conducting censuses, enumerating an estimated 2.3 billion people (33 % of the world population). It is expected that by the end of the round in 2014, almost 99 % of the world's total population will have been enumerated.

The data collected by census help a nation, region or community make major decisions for the future. Censuses are a comprehensive source of statistical information for economic and social development planning and for administrative purposes. For example, the results of a census are used to distribute and allocate government funds for education, health services and delineating electoral districts. Census data can also be used for academic research or business marketing.

Some MDG indicators, such as literacy rate and unemployment rate of youth, can be computed from census data, hence allowing governments to measure and monitor the progress made in a comparable manner. Also, note that the denominator for most MDG indicators is the total population figure, which can be produced by a population census.

The main innovations of the 2010 round of censuses are the use of new approaches to obtain data and modern technology. While most countries still conduct their census through field survey, an increasing number of countries are producing census data by using registers either alone of in combination with other data collection mechanisms. We also witness that many countries have adopted new technologies such as mobile devices, geospatial information systems and the Internet in phases of a census operation. According to a recent survey, more than 30 countries or areas are providing an option for Internet-based self-enumeration. New technologies contribute to improving the completeness, timeliness and quality of census results.

People have become more migratory and, in urban areas, a growing number of individuals live alone in a single household. Such changes in lifestyles sometimes make difficult for census enumerators to identify and reach out respondents. It is said that there has been a growing concern about privacy and confidentiality of the information collected. Changes in lifestyles, coupled with the growing cost for census, have led several Governments to look into other options for enumeration, such as the use of internet and registers.

The 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme Newsletter provides a synopsis of recent developments, events and census taking activities related to the 2020 census round. The Newsletter summarizes recent meetings and workshops on censuses and announces upcoming events. This Newsletter is published by the Demographic and Social Statistics Branch of the United Nations Statistics Division. 152ee80cbc

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