With the Smoke Break story line done, I will be taking a few weeks off of posting to catch up on some things. My personal time is limited, and being a creative person, I get side tracked on other projects.

Having been a writer most of my life, I have found the best cure for writers block is to keep writing. No matter how stupid or cool you feel an idea is, write it out. If you ignore it, two things happen, it goes away, you have nothing, and you just might have lost the money maker or it sticks around and bothers you until you deal with it. Either way you are blocked.

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Letting an idea just go away does not necessarily mean another one will come immediately. Sometimes you have nothing. That is it. The idea you thought was stupid, ignored, and now disappeared, was the idea, if you worked on it, might not work out, but it moves you forward to something else. It is like driving through a field of mud, with the ultimate goal to get to the other side of the field, drive as fast as you can, get as far as you can, until you are stuck. Then get out and walk. You are still getting to the other side of the field, just not in a car.

The other thing is, I tend to become distracted. Being creative, I have multiple projects going, and even though I focus on one project, my mind wanders. Ideas pop into my mind, and as stated above, I deal with them. With winter not being harsh, and snow removal not being part of the equation, I had more time to work on personal projects. Explore a few other things. Those things took up more time than I had intended, but it was a learning experience. I am still working on the YouTube channel idea.

I have also fallen out of love with Gorilla Fish in a way, so maybe a bit of a break will help. The idea started out fun, but even when I reformatted the comic, and changed my approach on how I produce the comic, I have run into a few issues with production. Being a one man show, I have to really love what I am doing, otherwise it becomes drudgery. This is where I am at with Gorilla Fish, drudgery. Writing I can do all day long, I love that aspect. Drawing, not my first love, I am a competent artist, and I did take art classes in college, but that was years ago. At least I can do more than stick figures, but I do not want to spend hours on end drawing. Which is unfortunate, because drawing is part of creating a comic book.

I have toyed with the idea of reformatting the comic to a comic strip format. Three or four panels running lineal and I have found through experimenting with other ideas that it is easier to produce. Though it means rewriting the scripts I have already produced, and I do not think it will do Gorilla Fish justice.

My production process at this point is spending time in the morning before work, drawing out a panel, possibly inking it, if I do not get to inking the panel, I will do it after work. Once all the panels are drawn and inked, I scan them in, clean them up, and assemble the comic page for coloring. Coloring the page is very time consuming. There is a process to do the coloring, working in flats, but the more elaborate the panel or the more elaborate the art, the shading becomes more time consuming. I will spend four hours coloring a page, maybe more. Once the page is colored, I letter the page. The whole process is time consuming, if i was not such an expert on photoshop, I would probably be spending even more time. Yes, I do cheat, and cut and copy and paste panels from previous work if I feel it will fit. Even step and repeat of panels.

My goal has always been to shorten the process time, yet maintain a certain level of quality. Make my work flow more efficient. I have not been able to develop the motor skills necessary to work with a Wacom Tablet. I have an old one, and the newer models are more advanced, but the costs are prohibitive for the tablet I really want, and feel it will work for me. I do not want to spend the money on a tablet, find out it is not going to work out, and have another piece of hardware laying around that is now a dust collector. Then sell it for dirt cheap on eBay, when I get tired of looking at it. Electronic equipment becomes obsolete quickly, and the older the equipment, the less people will pay for it. I would have to upgrade my photoshop to the latest version, as well. The costs for photoshop are becoming extortion. Pay our once a month fee or program not work for you. Essentially another monthly bill.

I own the website, I have owned it for 11 years, and I do not really want to lose that ownership, but I do want to put out an idea. The intent of the website has always been about getting my creative ideas out to a broader audience. So far that has not materialized. Here is a list of ideas, and description. Communicate through Facebook or through the contact form.

PS: Seriously communicate. I have all of six people who liked my Facebook page. Those are all friends whom support my creative endeavors no matter what, and I love that, but I need a broader audience.

It is very common in the IT certification test world to cheat in various ways. The most common is that people take the exam and memorize the questions they saw. The questions are then compiled and published. Some have tried to have someone else take the exam for them, but the testing companies have done a lot of work to make that hard (multiple IDs required to take the test). The testing companies require you to go to a testing center and you take nothing in to your exam with you and you under video surveillance the whole time.

Certification tests typically pull the questions for a given exam from a pool of questions. A normal test is maybe 50 questions from a pool of 200 questions. If you memorize the answers to all 200 questions you can pass the test without really knowing the subject.

There was a news crew on site doing a story on this the day I took my series 7 exam. A bunch of people were arrested for this exact scam. They made a business out of taking securities exams for other people.

I hate the high stales testing / certification bloat that often has little bearing on actual performance, just ability to take tests. But i agree the ethical violation of cheating would make me think that person should not be in a position of trust/authority!

I haaaate these testing situations so much! I remember this from when I took the GRE quite a few years back. I have dysgraphia and some minor motor control and working memory issues, so I am going to need a special pencil (I need a cushion to make it a little bigger so I have more control) and probably more scratch paper than most people will since I both write bigger AND need to write more stuff down to compensate for the memory stuff. (I also probably need to wear a hat with a brim to block overhead light glare.)

And knowing that you were likely to be looking at that problem again meant that (motivated) students were going to be working the dog out of those problems and asking lots of questions about them in class.

When I took my patent attorney certification, old exams were actually provided by the patent office itself (so the org doing the testing!). It was *the* recommended way to study. We were also allowed to take anything we wanted into the exam, except things that could communicate with the outside. Of course, they had to make a whole new exam each year, and it was quite expensive to take.

This. The only case I can see this working is if the candidate can do the work, but sucks at interviews, and even then it would be more productive to practice your interview skills than engage in this bizarre con.

Everyone seems to forget that some positions come with a significant sign-in bonus. Often tens of thousands of dollars. If you pull this up a few times a year, you can earn a decent living by only working a few weeks for the whole year.

Unfortunately a lot of software engineering interviews are questionably related to the actual on-the-job duties. It is *very* possible to be an excellent engineer and also terrible at software engineering interviews.

Now that I think about it, the last interview I hosted was a simple Vue.js front-end position and I just gave the candidates a sandbox version of the last couple features I made to see if they could make them. Worked!

Entry level admin support. Completely different field, we just needed to know she was organized, reliable, and had experience answering to someone. It was not the only item on her resume, or even the most relevant, but it was interesting, so I asked about it.

A friend was doing a phone interview where he could hear the interviewee typing after each question the he asked. So my friend googled the next question on the loop and lo! the interviewee basically read him the first hit on Google.

A senior IT role likely pays six figures. Depending on geographic location, $150K would not be totally out of the realms of likely as a starting salary for a seasoned late career employee, more for a management role. So you pay someone to do the interview (or possibly have a partner, but that seems less profitable all around), then just stall.

Happened to me at a previous company! We had a particularly well-known tech interview we had all engineering candidates do and we had a suspicion that a particular boot camp was coaching/helping candidates cheat on the interview. We had one candidate apply for a role and we had one of the more senior engineers who ran this interview do it and it was going perfectly until the interviewer threw a curveball at him and the candidate was flummoxed. He failed miserably and we rejected him. I made sure to note that the candidate was caught cheating in his record in our ATS. He did apply again once or twice a few years later (applied using a nickname and different email) and I caught it and he was rejected promptly.

I thought perhaps the call dropped, so I waited a few moments, and then called the candidate back. I ended up calling back a total of 3 times, and I sent an email to the candidate to see if we could re-schedule due to bad connection, and I never got a response. The recruiter who arranged the phone screen also reached out to the candidate, and did not get a response. I shared this with a few co-workers, and they have heard rumblings of similar situations lately. 152ee80cbc

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