What is a high-resolution world map? This high-resolution world map PDF is at 300 dpi with a large-scale dimension of 7000  3500 pixels. You can use this map for any purpose, provided you reference this page.

You guys post some very high-quality stuff here, and I just can't find any decent maps above maybe 96 dpi that is just blurry at any useful size. I am looking for outline maps in particular (esp of the Balkans) so if anyone has any hints, thanks in advance.

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New to Panasonic's G9 flagship is a high-resolution mode, which shifts the sensor by half-pixel increments eight times, and generates an 80MP final image. As with similar technologies from Ricoh and Olympus, it's not necessarily recommended for scenes with moving subjects in them. But we wanted to see if we could make it work.

In any case, the high res mode on the G9 is something we want to continue to look into as we progress with our review. Raw support is coming shortly, and we're looking forward to examining the Raw files from both real-world shooting as well as our test scene.

The object of a really high resolution like 80MP would be to create really large prints using M43. Most folks would use this feature for landscapes etc. instead of trying to eradicate escalator people.

still however, i'd rather use a large sensor with a true high resolution of 80MP to deliver better results in one single click of the shutter button ... not even PhaseOne offers that though, unless via similar interpolating tricks, which has been available via software since the 1980s!

This "trick" has only to do with nullifying the mosaic pattern of the Bayer CFA filter. Nothing else. Only some very few cameras do that. Hasselblad, Olympus, Pentax and now Panasonic. Only high(er) end cameras. All of them by mainly moving the sensor one pixel.

No. You cannot have very high noise levels with a good dymaic range and it shows. The dynamic range of these cams is poor. And personally I never liked the colours either. I wanted to have one due to all the raving reviews and started to look at tons of landscap pictures and they just looked oof with blocked shadows and strange skies that looked more purple than natural blue. But to each their own.

@Roland -- I presume you are citing FF lens equivalents. On mFT that would be using a 42.5mm lens? Well that's far from the wide AOV that I need for most shots and I still don't see any reason to bother with it, when High Res does a great job (with some PP work). I will give it a try, although I think it will only work properly for WA architecture using a shift lens. Here's a relevant article - -with-tilt-shift-lenses-to-create-high-resolution-images/

@Roland -- Please read the thread again. OP wrote: "This seems like a solution in search of a problem. Why not just stitch images, if you want higher resolution? Less hassle, no need for tripod." That is what I replied to. Subsequent posts brought up the issue of noise, but the discussion was not exclusively about noise.

@Roland -- I am aware of how they "fix" the problem, but not without errors, smearing of detail, distortion, and other problems -- no comparison to a single high resolution shot taken with a highly corrected UWA lens. That is why these expensive lenses are prized by photographers.

I visited the Kolor Autopano Giga gallery, which is quite striking but doesn't offer high res samples, only downsized screen images. It features very wide panoramas with aspect ratios that are not representative of typical rectangular images that my clients want. It also doesn't indicate how much post processing work went into them. The closest one is Bruxelles, by Thierry Guinet," but it's not very sharp. I have yet to see a stitched UWA image other than shift-stitched that can deliver clean, convergence-corrected, undistorted high res standard rectangular images of an architectural subject -- in the way I know this can be done efficiently with High Res capture. I'm certainly open to the potential (I will do some tests) and to discovering samples that anyone might want to link here.

You have to remember that Foveon captures 100% detail (RGB in every pixel) in a single, native res image. Bayer high res is still interpolating multiple images, each containing only 50% detail (RGGB square). Foveon is known to have detail well beyond its MP rating because of this.

It would be great if Sony puts this in their RX10 V or another 1 inch camera. Hopefully, the smaller sensor and a more conservative approach (4 shots only and less MPs) can actually produce more usable images with higher DR, colour depth, and not just very high resolution and huge files.

Pixel shifting for image resolution enhancement is different than pixel shifting for noise reduction. Except for noise and diffraction effects differences, a 20MP m43 sensor that does pixel shifting to obtain a higher resolution file is no different than a 20MP FX sensor that's doing the same thing assuming both taking the same FOV image (otherwise you can't make a direct comparison). Same amount of data to push around inside the camera, same relative resolution increase.

Version 2.3.7 Released June 15, 2017GSHHG is developed and maintained byPaul Wessel, SOEST, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu, HI.

Walter H. F. Smith, NOAA Geosciences Lab, National Ocean Service, Silver Spring, MD.We present a high-resolution geography data set amalgamated from three data bases in the public domain: World Vector Shorelines (WVS). CIA World Data Bank II (WDBII). Atlas of the Cryosphere (AC).The WVS is our basis for shorelines except for Antarctica while the WDBII is the basis for lakes, although there areinstances where differences in coastline representations necessitated adding WDBII islands to GSHHG.The WDBII source also provides all political borders and rivers. The addition of AC since 2.3.0 allows us to offertwo choices for Antarctica coastlines: Ice-front or Grounding line. These are encoded as levels 5 and 6, respectivelyand users of GSHHG can choose which set to use. GSHHG data have undergone extensive processing and should be free of internal inconsistencies such as erratic points and crossing segments. The shorelines are constructed entirely from hierarchically arranged closed polygons. A modified version ofGSHHG is used by GMT, the Generic Mapping Tools.Starting with version 2.2.2, GSHHG has been released under the GNU Lesser General Public License.

The shoreline polygon data can be used to simplify data searches and data selections, to study the statistical characteristics of shorelines and land-masses, or for custom applications requiring basic geography data.For convenience, the shoreline polygons and rivers/borders line data sets are distributed in two file formats:ESRI shapefiles. This format is probably the most usefulfor users of GSHHG. Note that due to limitations of most (all?) GIS softwareand Google Earth, a handful of polygons straddling the Dateline (chief among them theAntarctic polar cap polygon) have been split into east and west components.Native binary files. No polygon dateline-splitting has occurred.Software to read these files are distributedas part of the gshhg supplement to GMT. Developers can use the descriptionsof the gshhg format (in gshhg.[ch]) to deal with these data in their own programs.Notes:GMT uses a special netCDF-formatted version of these data that have been tiled to improveefficiency of map making. Normally, this flavor of GSHHG is offered as an installation option when GMT is installed; however, you can also obtain it below. We discourage anyone from using the netCDF versionfor custom programming applications [due to complexity and lack of documentation, mostly].GSHHG used to be called GSHHS (Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shorelines)but since rivers and political boundaries were also included we changed it to GSHHG starting withversion 2.2.1.The netCDF version of GSHHG used to be distributed as a part of GMT but as of GMT 4.5.9 the GSHHG is a separatepackage. This means when GMT is updated and there are no changes to GSHHG you do notneed to reinstall GSHHG. Likewise, GMT 4 and GMT 5 installations can now share a single GSHHG installation.Older GMT releases such as 4.5.x and 5.1.0 (and earlier) can use the new GSHHG 2.3.7 release but will only see the improved ice-front Antarcticacoastline. Versions 5.2.0 and later include new options to handle decisions relatedto the various Antarctica choices available in GSHHG since 2.3.0.

Most importantly this announcement is game-changing because of what it does for our customers. This new imaging mode means our customers can see more and do more with our imagery. Our Spot images are sharper and provide a new depth of insight from highly distinguishable features in each image. For our customers, every clue has the potential to save lives, and this new level of detail introduces hundreds of new clues in each image. While most analysts are accustomed to optical images, we have had customers ask us if our SAR images are actually black and white panchromatic images! We see this as a sign that high quality SAR is elevating the industry and will democratize this fascinating technology.

To get a sense of the complexities involved with our satellite and delivery system you have to look at what has gone into Capella-2, a 107kg microsatellite. When launched into orbit it is merely as large as a small washing machine. Once Capella-2 is deployed on orbit it transforms itself by deploying a boom the length of a minivan and unfurls a high gain antenna the size of a small bedroom. From a washing machine to a bedroom, this tiny but mighty satellite has more than 400 meters of cables and wiring connecting more than 100 individual boards and electronics, with complex software running in the background built with over 250,000 lines of C code, over 10,000 lines of Python code, and over 500,000 lines of FPGA code. The ground software that allows our team to interact with the satellite in space has over 850,000 lines of code and is deployed across 5 continents in remote places and giant data centers. The whole system is nothing short of remarkable. e24fc04721

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