
LDraw Library Path for LEGO® Parts

Put in or browse to the path where the LDraw Library is installed. This folder contains all files for the parts.

Use alternative LDraw LDConfig

Put in or browse to the path and filename for a LDConfig.ldr file to use.

For advanced users: in LDConfig.ldr you can modify user specific settings for colors.

In the file you can download here the edge for black bricks is set to white and the edge for white bricks is set to black.

Enable Fade Previous Steps

Enable to use a global fade color. This means that all parts of the previous step are mono colored in the chosen color and fade percentage.

Very useful for mono colored models or sculptures viewed from above.

Enable Highlight Current Step

Similar to fade steps; here a line is drawn in chosen color around new parts in the step.

True fade image matting

For advanced users and instructions. Not covered (yet) here.

Use PLI orientation/size control file

Specify to use a pli.mpd file for advanced users and instructions. See use PLI Control file.

Default Units

Choose Centimeters or Inches.

Apply Camera Angles

Local: Apply camera angles before passing content to the renderer - not applicable to Native renderer.

Renderer: Pass camera angles to renderer; camera angles applied by renderer.

Model Meta Parse Errors

Check or uncheck to show or hide meta command parse errors.