Frequently Asked Questions

Are my dues mandatory? No, we are a voluntary HOA and therefore our dues are voluntary and our mission is to create a strong community rather to enforce town code.

What do my dues go towards? We spend very little money each year and most of it is on supplies and food for events. We will spend some money yearly on sign maintenance to keep our neighborhood looking attractive.

Are sheds allowed? The town of Glenville does not have a ban on sheds though there are guidelines as to where it should be located on your property. To check out the Glenville Town Code on sheds go to: https://ecode360.com/6961470 . Some homes do have original deed restrictions as to the installation of outbuildings but you have to consult your deed to get that answer.

Can I paint my house any color I want? Yes, you can. We are not that kind of HOA.

Why is there no directory? We have struggled to get an accurate directory created over the past few years. Currently we do not have enough up to date contact information for our neighbors to make it worth our effort. If we accumulate more addresses, we will revisit the issue.