Friends of Tri-M

Tri-M Members will have the opportunity to work with and play for students in Woodgrove's Special Education classrooms. Many special education students do not typically have the opportunity to experience live instrumental music in the classroom and are often extremely moved by music presentations. Please consider volunteering!

Why does this matter to you?

-You have the opportunity to meet students that have disabilities and learn how they function everyday.

-You will work with Woodgrove's Special Education team to make your presentation the most beneficial for students with special needs.

-It is rewarding. It is fun to see how music moves and motivates people with disabilities.

-Music Therapy is a developing health profession. Music has been proven to promote physical and psychological health in patients with a multitude of ailments or disabilities. Check it out:

What to Expect:

    • Perform and try to make it interactive and hands on for our students that have special needs.
      • Come up with some ideas together about how to do that: Have students feel the floor when the tuba or bass makes a low sound OR (if you're comfortable) touch your instrument while it rings.
      • Call and response, have the students sing what you play.