What is the role of a beautician?

What is the role of a beautician? (καθαρισμος προσωπου)

You are a novel person, who has his own strengths, his own expertise. In your field, you are brilliant! In any case, consistently, you must have the option to depend on the expertise of different specialists to meet some of your needs. This is the reason you trust your technician for the upkeep of your vehicle, your family specialist for satisfactory medical care,

your hairdresser for a little update of your look ... what's more, your cosmetologist for you. feel great in your body and your skin! To be sure, an esthetician can do a great deal for you. Let 's demystify the job of the esthetician here , and the various ways she can assist you with dealing with your body.


From the outset, address prejudices identified with esthetics; all things considered, this space of ??expertise goes well past the simple question of cosmetics! The word esthetic is gotten from the Greek aisthesis , which means "magnificence/sensation". Esthetics is accordingly the science of magnificence and prosperity.

It is also every one of the treatments and technologies that plan to increase your prosperity while working on your appearance. These treatments are given on the whole body, in all kinds of people.

Esthetics meet the needs of people who seek to combat various skin problems, to dispense with their cellulite or to battle against the effects of maturing. It also helps those who wish to refine their figure, acquire extremely durable hair evacuation treatments and then some! https://www.skinlogic.gr/katharismos-prosopou/


A genuine esthetician, your esthetician specializes in technologies presented in clinics to assist you with meeting your challenges and accomplish your goals. To be at the top, she should secure all the necessary information and master the innovation behind the devices she uses consistently!

Esthetic expertise and preparing

At the Option Dermasante esthetic facility in Sherbrooke, the group of beauticians specializes in Velashape innovation for cellulite and in Light Sheer Duet for super durable laser hair expulsion . She also specializes in pulsed light, used to address different skin abnormalities. The Sherbrooke group has also evolved expertise in various skin care products with EndyMed 3 Deep innovation. These specializations accordingly lead your esthetician to invest in a proceeding with schooling process.

As well as staying informed concerning new technologies, she must know the scope of various products presented by her excellence facility, yet in addition every one of the ranges sold in the locale to appropriately advise her clients. She must understand the benefits of every item, as well as the benefits they can welcome on all skin types.

The various treatments given by your cosmetologist

The cosmetologist is a professional of your body and your skin. She will listen to you to clarify the reason for your visit, and assist you with characterizing your objectives. Regardless of whether it is to decrease the presence of your pores, to dispose of your skin break out on your face, to refine the skin of your feet or to cull your eyebrows for all time, she can offer you several solutions and assist you with choosing the one that is ideal for you. will turn out best for you, considering the timeframe dispensed to accomplishing your goals.


Your cosmetologist's order is clear: assume responsibility for your magnificence! During your first visit, she will do an assessment of your skin, hair or body. This free assessment will serve as a kind of perspective for every future treatment. Your cosmetologist will cautiously establish a treatment prescription that respects your habits as well as a schedule of treatments to be done, so that you get the results you need!

Do you have a question about your appearance or your prosperity? Need more data on skin care? Ask one of our beauticians for exhortation! She will actually want to assist you with everything identified with your excellence, from head to toe! To assess your skin type, exploit our free consultation.(παλετοφορα)