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Common problems in pool maintenance (pool Chlorinator )

Notwithstanding the sum total of what that has been referenced, there are likewise some common problems that are difficult to dispose of, and that is now and then additionally identified with poor maintenance of the pool pump and channel. Therefore, we give you a few hints on the best way to identify them and what steps to follow:

Cloudy water in the pool: when the water is cloudy it is because of the presence of particles or pollutions in suspension. It tends to be an issue of absence of filtration hours or a wrong pool pH level.

Green water in the pool: This is one of the most common problems, and one of the fundamental driver is, by and large, the presence of green growth. Different indicators would be the formation of mud on the dividers and the base of the pool and cloudy water.

This typically happens when there is poor and lacking pool maintenance, and much of the time you need to change the pH level of the pool, clean the pool and apply a stun treatment with the standard disinfectant.

Colored water in the pool: this issue is normally because of the presence of salts brought about by a drop in the pool's pH level. Contingent upon the color, we can feel that it is the presence in the water of copper salts (on account of greenish-blue), iron salts (on account of an earthy colored tone) or magnesium salts (in the event that it is dark color). Once more, the arrangement is typically found by directing the pH of the water and applying a stun treatment, notwithstanding a decent cleaning.

Cloudy or colored water can be characteristic of an assortment of maintenance problems that should be tended to rapidly (Pentair Rebel Pool Cleaner )

The solid smell of chlorine: if notwithstanding an undesirable smell of chlorine the eyes are bothered a great deal during the shower, it might be because of an abundance of chlorine, the presence of chloramines, or an irregularity in the pH of the pool. In these cases, the most proper arrangement is introduce a programmed measurement framework to keep the chlorine level consistently steady.

Water blanches tissues and hair: it can happen that water makes aggravation the eyes and fades the hair and swimming outfits of bathers. Be that as it may, it doesn't smell terrible of chlorine! It is as yet an issue, for the most part because of abundance "free chlorine". It is typically fixed by decreasing the day by day portion of chlorine until it arrives at an ideal level.

Frothy water in the pool: If froth shows up in the pool water or air pockets on a superficial level, the reason is typically in the deposits of non-waterproof oils, for example, sun moisturizers that swimmers use, blended in with sweat. Additionally the overabundance of green growth in the pool can add to the issue. In these cases, some portion of the water will frequently must be depleted down the channel and topped off with new water, notwithstanding modifying the pH and chlorine level of the pool.