Welcome to UT Austin Graduate Gender Minorities in Physics!
Graduate Women in Physics has changed its name to Graduate Gender Minorities in Physics (gGMiP or GeM) in an effort to ensure that students, faculty, staff, and postdocs of all gender identities feel welcome in UT's physics department.
About us
We're a group of graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and staff in the physics department who are interested in issues related to gender minorities in the field of physics. There are no procedures or gender requirements for becoming a member. Official, up-to-date communication occurs through the mailing list. To get on our mailing list or join the organizing committee, Contact Us. This website serves as the repository for important information. Several meetings are held per semester.
Our goals are:
To foster community among the gender minorities in the physics department through social and educational events.
To support each other's outreach projects, and thereby contribute to the Physics Department and beyond.
To educate ourselves and others about issues important to the advancement and retention of gender minorities in physics at all levels.