Women in
Network Science
Our mission is to foster opportunities for education, employment, and career advancement of women, trans and non-binary genders in network science.
The Society is dedicated to recognizing and promoting the work, perspectives, and expertise of network scientists who identify as underrepresented genders in the field. The Society intends to increase the visibility of these individuals in academia, government, and private industry, and improve gender representation in network science broadly. By leveraging its members’ professional and social networks and creating safe spaces for conversation, the Society aims to create mentorship opportunities, facilitate collaborations between junior and senior researchers, and establish a network of resources for the well-being and professional development of its members, including, but not limited to, informal mental health support and funding opportunities.
Our specific goals are threefold:
Increase the presence and visibility of women, trans and non-binary genders as participants, speakers, and organizers of scholarly gatherings within network science, social networks, and complex systems.
Promote collaborative learning and networking with role models from underrepresented backgrounds towards advancing careers of junior researchers in network science.
Encourage research and discussion on gender representation in STEM and society.
EXCITING Opportunities
The society offers exciting opportunities for its members to connect with each other, support each other, and discuss issues and perspectives for planning and realizing their career goals.
During WiNS events and on our virtual platforms, we follow the manual of good practices for maintaining safe spaces and respectful conversations (more info).
WiNS at conferences
WiNS @ NetSci 2023
WiNS will host a poster session at NetSci 2023 on Tuesday, July 11th 2023. Check out the program here.
WiNS @ NetSci 2022
WiNS hosted a satellite at NetSci 22. Check out the program on our satellite website.
WiNS @ EUSN 2022
WiNS are getting together at the European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN). All details here.
WiNS throughout the year
WiNS Seminar
WiNS hosts a regular virtual seminar at Dartmouth College. The seminars are open to everyone. Check the seminar website for scheduled talks or join our seminar mailing list.
Graduate Student Workshops
Tutorials and workshop from graduate students for graduate students! Check out past workshops on youtube or join our grad student committee to help us organize the next one!
WiNS Writing Groups
WiNS hosts regular virtual writing groups. Click here to find out more.
WiNS Book Club
WiNS hosts a virtual book club for its members. Topics include network science, data science, feminism, and career development.
WiNS Repositories
WiNS collects helpful resources for early-career researchers together. Explore our GitHub repository and contribute!
What's missing?
Can't find the WiNS activity that you are looking for? Get in touch with our executive committee to organize new activities!
Join WinS
Membership is free and open to everyone who seeks to support WiNS in its mission. We particularly encourage students (undergraduate and graduate level) and early-career researchers to join us. To become a member, please fill out our membership application form. (Acceptance does not happen automatically. We usually check the form for new applications about once a week.)
Connect with Wins on Social Media
Follow our official on Twitter for the latest news, job calls, and paper announcements! (Do you want WiNS members to see your tweets? Tag us!)
Follow our Twitter list to see what WiNS are tweeting about!
Join our Facebook group to find other WiNS members!
Society members receive access to the society's slack workspace and email list.
Want to advertise an conference call, job call, or other opportunity via WiNS? Request a media boost or via our content request form.
Want to to request an update on the WiNS website? Please fill this update request form.
If you would like to participate and connect your network, contact us.
For another exciting society increasing the diversity of network science, check out Diversify NetSci.