Yoonu Njub

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#1 Yàlla wax na!

Salamaalekum mbokki déglukat yi. Nu ngi leen di nuyu ci turu Yàlla Boroom jàmm, ji bëgg ñépp dégg te nangu yoonu njub wi mu tëral, ngir am jàmm ju wér ak Moom ba fàww. Sunu xol sedd na lool ci li nu leen mana dégtal emisyon bi tudd "YOONU NJUB". Danuy wooyee emisyon bi: "YOONU NJUB" ndaxte danu fas yéene jàng te gëstu ci Mbindi yonent yi ci mbirum yoon wi Yàlla tëral, ngir nit jub ci kanamam. Ci wan yoon nga nekk? Ci yoonu njub walla ci yoonu njubadi? Kàddug Yàlla nee na: "Yeen ñi xiif te mar njub, barkeel ngeen, ndax dingeen regg." (Macë 5:6)

Xëy na am na ñuy xalaat ne: "Aa, kii gëna waane, ba nu xamee yoonu njub wi yàgg na. Soxlawunu gëstu ci Mbindi yonent yu jëkk yi! Li nu xam doy na nu!” Su fekkee loolu moo di sa xalaat, na nga déglu li yonent Yàlla Suleymaan bind. Mu ne: "Am na yoon wu jub ci bëti nit, waaye ci dee lay jëme." (Prov. 14:12)

Ci téereb Yàlla, bu ñuy wooyee Sabóor, Yonent Yàlla Dawuda, baayu Suleymaan, wax na lu bare ci lu jëm ci li nu wara xam YOONU NJUB wi Yàlla tëral. Mu ne: "Ku jub amul, du kenn sax. Ñépp jeng nañu, ba kenn amalatul Yàlla njeriñ. Kenn du def lu baax, du kenn sax!" (Psa. 14; Room 3:10,12) Moo tax Dawuda bind ñaan gii ci Sabóor, ne: "Won ma sa yoon yaw Boroom bi, te xamal ma say sàrt, sàmm ma ci sa dëgg, di ma tette!" (Psa. 25)

Ci dëgg-dëgg, su nu Yàlla Boroom bi tettewul, jaarale ko ci Kàddoom, dunu xam mukk lan mooy yoonam. Danuy mel ni ag gune gu réer ci biir Ndakaaru walla ni am xar mu réer ca àll ba. Wànte Kàddug Yàlla ne na: "Yàlla bëggul kenn sànku . . . waaye ñépp mucc te xam dëgg gi." (2 Pie. 3:9; 1 Tim. 2:4) Dara gënul xam bu wóor ne, yaa ngi ci yoonu dëgg, wi jëm fa Yàlla.

Fii ci YOONU NJUB, dinanu def ay njàng yu "kronologique". Maanaam, ci emisyon yi dinanu benn-bennal nettaliy yonent Yàlla yi, li ko dale ca ndoorte la ba ca muj ga. Kàddug Yàlla, am na bopp, am na geen. Kon nag, fas nanu yéene gëstu ci nettali yi nekk ci Mbind mi, tàmbalee fa Yàlla ci boppam tàmbalee, maanaam: ca ndoorte la.

Dinanu jàng lu am njeriñ lool ci mbiri Yàlla ak yonent yi. Dinanu gis ni mu ame woon yonent yu bare yu bind Mbind mu sell mi--wànte Kenn rekk moo ko sos. Moo di Yàlla. Mbindi yonent yi am na ci ay nettali yu bare--wànte benn xebaar rekk lañuy doon. Moo di xebaar bu baax, bi wone ni nit mana jube ci kanamu Yàlla.

Kon nag, na ngeen def seen kem-kàttan ngir déglu emisyon YOONU NJUB ak xel ak takkute. Wolof Ndiaye ne na: "Ku yaag ci teen, baag fekk la fa!" Te naka noonu itam, Yàlla ci boppam dige na ci Mbind mu Sell mi ne: "Képp ku may seet ak sa xol bépp, dinga ma gis!" (Jer. 29:13)

Fii ci YOONU NJUB, dinanu yokk sunu xam-xam ci lépp lu jëm ci Yàlla ak Kàddoom. Ndax xam nga nu Yàlla mel? Walla fu Seytaane jóge? Ndax xam nga lu tax Yàlla sàkk nit? . . . walla ni bàkkaar dugge ci àddina si mu sos? Ndax mas nga jàng nettali bu doy waar bi ci mbirum yonent Yàlla Nóoyin ak mbënnum ndox ma? Ndax xam nga bu baax lu yonent Yàlla ya daan waare? . . . walla lu tax ñuy wooye yonent Yàlla Ibrayima "xaritu Yàlla"? Ndax man nga nettali ci bu leer say doom walla say xarit xebaar bu baax, bi téere yonent yi ëmb? Ndax xam nga ci dëgg-dëgg ni nit mana jube ci kanamu Yàlla Aji Sell ji? Ndax wóor na la ne say bàkkaar deñ nañu?

Soo bëggee xam tontub Yàlla ci laaj yii ak yeneen laaj yu ni bindoo, na ngay déglu Emisyon YOONU NJUB. Ci dëgg-dëgg kàddug yonent yi--maanaam Kàddug Yàlla--dafa xóot, neex di dund te am doole! Te it, Kàddug Yàlla du nëbb dara. Dinanu gis ni doomi Aadama yi mel dëgg. Ndaxte Mbind mi ne na: "Amul mbindeef mu mana nëbbu Yàlla, waaye lépp a ubbiku, ba ne fànn ci bëti ki nu wara àtte!" (Yawut 4:13)

Ci jot gi nu dese tey, am na dëgg gu am maanaa lool, gu nu wara jàpp te mooy lii: Yàlla wax na! Yàlla Aji Kawe ji wax na! Yàlla wax na ak nit! Te su nu waxe ne Yàlla wax na ak nit, loolu dafay tekki: Yàlla dafa bëgga wax ak yaw! Xebaar bu baax la! Bu fekkee nga jot benn bataaxel bu bawoo ci Presidan wu réew mi, ndax dinga ko jàng? Ndax dinga ci xalaat? Ndax dinga fonk waxi Presidan bi? Rawati na nag bu fekkee ne Yàlla Aji Kawe ji mooy wax ak yaw!

Kon nag, naka la Yàlla waxe ak nit? Mbind mi tontu laaj boobu ne: "Li jiitu tey Yàlla waxoon na ak maam ya ci wàll yu bare ak ci tëralin yu wuute jaarale ko ca yonent ya." (Yaw. 1:1) Yàlla waxoon na ak nit jaarale ko ca yonent ya! Ci diirub jamano ya weesu Yàlla woo woon na ay nit, ngir ñu yégle Kàddoom te bind ko. Yàlla manoon na bindal boppam walla mu jëfandikoo ay malaakaam, ñu bind ko. Wànte defewu ko woon noonu. Yàlla dafa tànnoon ay nit, ñu bindal ko ko. Nit ñooñu ay yonent lañu tuddoon. Yonent Yàlla yi dañoo xawoona mel ni ay "secretaire". Maanaam, Yàlla soloon na ci seen xel li ñu wara bind, ñu daldi ko bindal Yàlla. Moo tax Kàddug Yàlla ne: "Waxu yonent yi wér na, te war ngeen koo fonk . . . Waaye jëkkleena xam ne, amul jenn waxu yonent ci Mbind mi, ju balle ci xelu boppam. Ndaxte kenn ci yonent yi musula wax ci coobareg boppam, waaye, Xelu Yàlla mu Sell mi daa na xiir nit ñi, ñuy yégle kàddug Yàlla." (2 Pie. 1:19-21)

Kon nag gis nanu ne, Yàlla wax na ak nit ñi jaarale ko ca yonent, ya mu tànn. Te yonent yooyu bind nañu ci ay téere li Yàlla wax--ngir sunuy maam te nun ñiy dund ci jamano jii, nu mana xam lépp li nu Yàlla bëgga xamal.

Mbokk yi, na ngeen denc xalaat bii: Yàlla wax na te bëgg na wax ak yaw! Lépp lu Yàlla wax jaarale ko ci ay yonentam am na njeriñ ci nun ñiy dund tey! Xëy na am na ñuy xalaat ne, <<Soxlawuma xam lu yonent yu jëkk ya bindoon. Seen wax amatul solo ci man. Yonent bu nekk amoon na sasam. Yonent bu ñëw, def sasam, daldi dem. Beneen yonent ñëw, def sasam dem . . . ak nangam. Kon nun ñiy dund tey soxlaatunu xam li yonent yu jëkk yi daan waare.>> Ndax loolu moo di sa xalaat?? Xalaatu Yàlla kat, dëppoowul ak xalaat boobu! Li Yàlla, sunu Boroom, wax mooy lii: "Ndaxte ci dëgg, maa ngi leen koy wax, li feek asamaan si ak suuf wéyul, benn tomb walla benn rëddu araf du wéy mukk ci [Mbind mu Sell mi], ba kera yépp di am. Ku tebbi nag ba gëna tuuti ci ndigal yii, te ngay jàngal nit ñi noonu, dees na la tudde ki gëna tuuti ci nguuru Yàlla Aji Kawe ji!" (Macë 5:18,19) "Nit ñax la, ndamam di tóor-tóor kese; ñax day wow, tóor-tóor ruus, waaye kàddug Boroom bi day sax ba fàww!" (1 Pie. 1:24) "Mbind mu Sell mépp, ci gémmiñu Yàlla la jóge, te am na njeriñ ngir jàngal nit ñi, yedd leen, jubbanti leen te yee leen ci njub!" (2 Tim. 3:16)

Ci lu wér, lépp li yonent Yàlla yi bind, am na njeriñ. Ndaxte bind nañu ko ngir niti jamano yépp mana xam yoonu mucc wi Yàlla tëral. Ndax xam nga li yonent Yàlla yi bind? Yàlla dafa bëgg ñépp xam li ñu bind, te gëm ko! Moom la Mbind mi wax, bi mu naan: "Waxu yonent yi wéer na, te war ngeen koo fonk; mi ngi mel ni làmp, buy leer ci bérab bu lëndëm!" (2 Pie. 1:19)

Waaw, léeg léeg danuy dégg ñiy fexee bëre ak Téereb Yàlla, di wax naan: <<Kenn mënu ko wóolu! Dafa fees ak mbir yu ci soppiku ak ay njuumte ak i werante ak nanagam ak nangam...!>> Waaye kuy bëree noonu ak Kàddug Dëgg gi, mu ngiy bëre ak Yàlla ci boppam. Wànte nen du bëre ak doj! Kàddug Yàlla doj la, te nit di nen. Mbind mu sell mépp a wóor te dëngul fenn! Kenn mënul randal waxi Yàlla! Yàlla ku màgg la te mooy aar kàddoom! Moom la Boroom bi ci boppam wax ci téere bu sell, bi ñuy wax Linjil, bi mu naan: "Asamaan si ak suuf si dinañu wéy, waaye samay wax du wéy mukk!" (Macë 24:35)

Lépp lu nekk ci Mbind mu Sell mi am na njeriñ ba tey ci nit ñépp. Dara gënul waxu Yàlla. Wànte Kàddug Yàlla dafa xawa mel ni ceebu jën. Ñépp a déggoo ci lii: ceebu jën neex na lekk te baax na ci yaram. Wànte bu ma ko lekkul, duma ci jële benn njeriñ. Fàww ma lekk ci! Naka noonu itam fàww ma lekk ci Kàddug Yàlla, giy dundal sama xol, su ma bëgge taasu ci barkeem. Looloo tax Yàlla wax ci Mbind mi ne: "Nit du dunde mburu rekk, waaye itam gépp kàddu, gu génne ci gémmiñug Yàlla!" (Macë 4:4) Te it: "Yeen ñi xiif te mar njub, barkeel ngeen, ndax dingeen regg!" (Macë 5:6) Ndax xiif nga Kàddug Yàlla? Aw ñam la. Ñam wu neex. Du ñam wiy dundal sa yaram, wànte ñam wiy dundal sa xol.

Kon nag, yeen ñi ragal Yàlla te fonk Kàddoom: Fexeleena topp emisyon YOONU NJUB ak takkute ngir ngeen mana yaatal seen xam-xam ci li Yàlla wax bu yàgg, jaarale ko ci ay yonentam. Yàlla wax na! Te Yàlla bëgg na wax ak yaw! Yàlla sopp na la, te bëgg na it nga déglu kàddoom ba xam ni nga mana jube fa kanamam!

Bala nuy tàggook yeen, am na leneen lu nu bëgga leeral. Ci sunu emisyon yi nag dunu sukkandiku ci dara lu dul li nekk ci Mbindi yonent Yàlla yi. Nun ñiy waajal emisyon yi, ci sunu bopp, xamunu dara lu dul lu nu Yàlla xamal jaarale ko ci ay yonentam. Li Yonent Yàlla Yaxya waxoon ci Linjil mooy dëgg: "Kenn mënula am dara, lu ko Yàlla joxul." (Yowanna 3:27) Kon nag, amunu fitu wax leneen, lu dul li Yàlla wax ci Mbind mu sell mi jaarale ko ci ay yonentam. Ñemewunu sukkandiku ci sunu xam-xamu bopp walla leneen. Ci Kàddug Yàlla do lanuy sukkandiku. Li nu bëgg, mooy wone li Yàlla wax ci kàddoom jaarale ko ci ay yonentam.

Ndax xam nga lu Yàlla wax? Ndax bokk nga ci ñi xiif te mar Kàddug Yàlla ak njubteem? Yàlla feeñal na màggaayam ak mbëggeelam ak coobareem ci Kàddoom gu sell gi. Nanga gëstoondook nun fii ci YOONU NJUB ba xam bu baax lu Yàlla wax. Ndaxte Kàddug Yàlla ne na: "Lépp lu ñu waxoon ci Mbind mi lu jiitu tey, dañu koo tëraloon, ngir nu sàkku ci xam-xam, xam-xam bu nuy may fit ak muñ, ak di feddali sunu yaakaar." (Room 15:4)

Kon nag, nanu xam lii: Yàlla wax na! Te Yàlla dafa bëgg ñépp déglu te dund! Mag ak ndaw, góor ak jigéen, boroom alal ak baadoolo . . .Yàllaa ngi leen di wax yeen ñépp: "Dégluleen! Ubbileen seeni nopp, te ñëw ci Man; dégluleen, te seen xol dina dund!" (Esa. 55:3)

Kon nag, mbokk yi, nu ngi leen di gërëm ci déglu bi. Emisyon bi di ñëw, ci coobare Yàlla, dinanu dugg ci sunu ñaareelu jàng mi tudd: "NAN LA YÀLLA MEL?" Su fekkee ne am na lu ngeen bëgga laaj ci li nu jàng tey, na ngeen nu bind ci YOONU NJUB. / B.P. 370. / Saint Louis. Y-O-O-N-U N-J-U-B / B.P. 370. / Saint Louis.

Yàlla na leen Yàlla barkeel te ngeen fàttaliku woote bu réy, bi Yàlla jëmale ci yeen ñépp: "Dégluleen! Ubbileen seeni nopp, te ñëw ci Man; dégluleen, te seen xol dina dund!"

Lesson 1 - God Has Spoken !

Peace be with you, listening friends.

We greet you in the name of God, the Lord of peace, who wants everyone to understand and submit to the way of righteousness that He has established, and have true peace with Him forever. We are very happy that we can present to you your program The Way of Righteousness. We call this radio program The Way of Righteousness because in it we plan to explore the Writings of the Prophets which reveal how unrighteous people can become righteous before God.

Which way are you following-the way of righteousness or the way of unrighteousness? Do you want to know the way of righteousness that comes from God? The Word of God says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” (Matt. 5:6)

Perhaps there are those who think, “We already know the way of righteousness. We don’t need to be concerned with the writings of the first prophets. What we know is good enough for us!” If this is your attitude, listen to what the prophet of God, Solomon, wrote. He said: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death!” (Prov. 14:12)

In God’s Book, in the book called Psalms {Qur’anic name: Zabur}, the prophet David, the father of Solomon, spoke much about our need to know the way of righteousness which God has established. He wrote, “There is no one righteous, not even one; All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” (Psa. 14:1,3; Rom. 3:10,12) That is why David wrote this prayer in the Psalms, saying, “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth [and lead me by the hand]!” (Psa. 25:4,5) {Note: words in brackets [ ] reflect the way the verse is translated in Wolof.}

If our Lord God does not guide us in the way of truth, we could never know the way of righteousness. We would be like a child lost in Dakar {Senegal’s Capital} or a sheep lost in the desert. But the Word of God tells us that “God does not want anyone to perish…but wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (2 Pet. 3:9; 1 Tim. 2:4) Friends, nothing is more important than to know for sure that you are in the way of truth that leads to God.

In these Way of Righteousness programs, we will study the Scriptures chronologically. We will follow the stories of God’s prophets one by one, from beginning to end. The Word of God has a beginning and an end {Literally in Wolof: a head and a tail}. Therefore we plan to explore the stories found in the Scriptures, beginning where God Himself begins, that is, at the very beginning.

We will learn many important things about God and the prophets. We will see that although many prophets wrote the Holy Scriptures, only one Author inspired the prophets: God. The Scriptures of the Prophets contain many stories, but only one central message: the Good News about how people can be made righteous before God.

Therefore, we ask you to listen attentively and faithfully to the program The Way of Righteousness. Wolof wisdom says: “Slowly, slowly one catches a monkey in the forest” and “A water pail will find the person who waits diligently at the well.” Similarly, God tells us in His Word that He “rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Heb. 11:6) To those who truly seek Him, God makes this promise: “If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me!” (Jer. 29:13)

Here on The Way of Righteousness, we will increase our knowledge about God and His Word. Do you know what God is like? Or where Satan came from? Do you know why God created man? Or how sin entered the beautiful world that God made? Have you ever read the amazing story about God’s prophet Noah, and the flood? Do you really know what the prophets of God wrote? Do you know why Abraham was called the Friend of God? Can you clearly explain to your friends or your children the message of the prophets?

Thousands of years ago, the prophet Job {Ayyub in Arabic} asked the question, “How can a man be righteous before God?” (Job 9:2) Do you know God’s answer to Job’s question? Do you know how you can be righteous before God? If you want to know God’s response to this question and many others, we invite you to listen to the program The Way of Righteousness. Truly, the Word of God is deep, wonderful, alive and powerful. And something else: the Word of God hides nothing. It shows us what man is really like. Thus the Scriptures say, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” (Heb. 4:13)

In the time left today, there is an important truth that we must grasp. It is this: God has spoken! God, the Most High, has spoken! God has spoken to man (mankind) and God wants to speak to you! If you received a letter from a powerful king in a far off land, would you read it? Would you consider what he wrote to you in the letter? Would you pay attention to the words of the king? How much more ought we to pay attention when it is the Most High God who is speaking to us!

How has God spoken to man? The Holy Scriptures tell us, “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways…” (Heb. 1:1) Yes, one of the main ways God has spoken to man is through the prophets. In the past, God appointed certain men to proclaim His Word and to write it down in books (scrolls). The Word of God says, “You must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit [of God].” (2 Pet. 1:20,21)

God could have written the Scriptures Himself or He could have used His angels to write it. But He did not do this. God chose ordinary men to write it for Him. We call these men prophets. The prophets of God were somewhat like secretaries. God planted in their minds what they were to write, and they wrote it down for God. However, God let each prophet write the Scriptures in his own words. God inspired every word, yet He did not ignore the individual prophet’s personality. God’s Book not only contains the direct words of God, but also the thoughts and prayers and problems of people like you and me. Through the stories of God’s dealings with people, God wants to show us what He is like and how we can draw near to Him.

Why did God inspire the prophets to write the Holy Scriptures? He inspired them so that the people of every generation might know what God wants them to know. God spoke to the prophets because He wants to speak to you and me through what they have written! All that God has said through His prophets is profitable for us who are living today. God expects each of us to know the message of the prophets.

Perhaps some think, “Ha! I don’t need to know what the first prophets wrote. Their words are not important to me. Each prophet had his task (mission) to accomplish. A prophet came, performed his task and passed on. Another came, accomplished his task and passed on…and so forth. We who live today don’t need to know what the first prophets said!” Are these your thoughts also? God’s thoughts do not agree with these thoughts! Listen to what the Lord God says,

“I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the [Holy Scriptures] until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven!” (Matt. 5:18,19) “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness!” (2 Tim. 3:16)

Truly, all that the prophets wrote is of great value, because they wrote it so that people in every age might know the way of salvation that God has established. Do you know what God’s prophets have written? God wants us to know His Word, believe it and obey it! The Scripture says: