Erdös #

My current Erdös number is 4 (calculated on November 28, 2011 via


  1. Motty Perry, Elmar G. Wolfstetter, and Shmuel Zamir (2000): A sealed-bid auction that matches the English auction. Games and Economic Behavior, 33 (2000), 265-273
  2. Bernhard von Stengel and Shmuel Zamir (2010): Leadership games with convex strategy sets. Games and Economic Behavior, 69, 446-457.
  3. David M. Avis and Bernhard von Stengel (2010). Enumeration of Nash equilibria for two-player games. Economic Theory , 42, 9-37.
  4. David M. Avis and Paul Erdös (1988): Repeated distances in space. Graphs Combin, 4, 207-217.