One year after his heroic journey, Balto has mated with Jenna, and they now have a new family of six puppies in Alaska. Five of their puppies resemble their husky mother, while one pup named Aleu takes her looks from her wolfdog father. When they all reach eight weeks old, all of the other pups are adopted to new homes, but no one wants Aleu due to her wild animal looks, forcing her to live with her father. A year later when she is grown, Aleu is almost killed by a hunter who mistakes her for a wild wolf. Balto tells Aleu the truth about her wolf heritage, causing her to run away, hoping to find her place in the world. Balto then goes out into the Alaskan wilderness to find her. At the same time, Balto has been struggling with strange dreams of a raven and a pack of wolves, and he cannot understand their meaning. Balto resolves to find the meaning of these dreams as he searches for Aleu. His friends Boris, Muk, and Luk attempt to join him, but after they are halted by some unknown force, they realize that this journey is meant only for the father and daughter themselves.

Taking refuge in a cave, Aleu meets the field mouse Muru, who explains that Aleu should not be ashamed of her lineage, which tells her what she is but not who she is. Muru reveals himself to be Aleu's spirit guide and tells her to go on a journey of self-discovery. Balto and Aleu reunite when he saves her from the grizzly bear and reconcile, and find their way to the ocean, where they are attacked by a group of starving Northwestern wolves led by Niju, an arrogant and vicious wolf. The confrontation is defused by the elderly Nava, the true leader of the pack, who welcomes Balto and Aleu. Nava announces to his pack that the wolf spirit Aniu has contacted him in "dream visions". Aniu has told him that the caribou herd they depend on during the winter has moved across the ocean and will not return and that they will soon be led by a new leader, "the one who is a wolf but does not know". Nava believes that Balto, who is half wolf himself, is the chosen one that Aniu was speaking of. However, Niju refuses to abandon his homeland and takes control of the pack, and plots to steal from other animal clans in the area to survive the winter.

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Purchase this DLC and you can the choose any of these coats for your own wolf. They will also be eligible to appear on dispersal wolves and grown pups in any new game that you start after you make the purchase.

Nicknamed for the year she was born, '06 was one of Yellowstone's most famous wolves. She joined with a pair of brothers, 755M and 754M, to form the Lamar Canyon pack. Unusually large and strong for a female, '06 was an amazing hunter and could take down elk by herself. She was the mother of Spitfire (926F). She was shot legally outside of Yellowstone National Park as part of Wyoming's wolf hunt in 2012.

The black coated Casanova was featured in the PBS documentary "In the Valley of the Wolves" and National Geographic's documentary "Rise of Black Wolf." Known as a rebel wolf who wooed many females from rival packs, Casanova may well have sired more pups than any other Yellowstone wolf during his long life of nine years. In 2009, he died of wounds from fights with other wolves.

7F and 2M were the first naturally formed wolf pack following the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone. 7F had a reddish coat and was sometimes called Rosie. She was captured in Alberta, Canada with her mother 9F. The two females were acclimated in a pen together with 10M who paired with 9F. Once they were released, 7F went off on her own and thrived as a lone wolf for ten months before bonding with 2M, who had just left his pack. In their first year, they had a litter of three pups. 7F showed her prowess by killing an elk only three days after giving birth! The pair went on to produce seven litters (34 pups) and at least twenty nine pups survived past the first year! She died in 2002 in a conflict with the Geode Creek wolves and her packmates finished raising her last litter of pups. Her faithful mate 2M died later the same year, also fighting with the Geode Creek pack.

42F was one of the original 17 wolves reintroduced in 1996 from British Columbia that became the Druid Peak pack. She was nicknamed Cinderella because her sister (who had became alpha by driving out their mother) picked on her for many years. Finally, Cinderella and some of their nieces rebelled and killed the unpopular alpha female in a rare deadly intrapack conflict. 42F and the existing alpha male 21M then joined together to lead one of the most famous packs in the history of Yellowstone wolf reintroduction. At one point, the Druid Peak "superpack" was 37 wolves strong! 42F died in a territorial interpack conflict with the Mollie's pack in 2004. Her mate 21M died a few months later of old age.

Come fall, it was time to release again but many were still skeptical about their chance of success with only one hunter and protector. Just in time, a lone wolf from the Crystal pack, 8M, came courting at the pen site. Soon the eight youngsters had a new dad and 9F got a new hunting partner! The new family pack went on to thrive. 9F and 8M raised litters every year 1996-1999. In the spring of 2000, 9F had lived a long life and disappeared into the Absaroka Wilderness, never to be seen again.

Known as The White Wolf of Yellowstone, 192M is the only male wolf in Yellowstone to have turned white with age (the others have all been females). He was the gray-coated male alpha of the Bechler pack which lived in one the most remote and snowiest areas of Yellowstone. He died of old age in 2009 after living for twelve years, making him one of the oldest Yellowstone wolves on record.

Small Dot, an uncollared black male, was nicknamed for the white patch on his chest. In 2016, Small Dot and his brother joined the Lamar Canyon females. The four black wolves have delighted wolf watchers by chasing bighorn sheep and treeing mountain lions!

Eventually, Small Dot and Little-T took over leading this all-black wolf pack. Pushed out of the Lamar Valley by the Junction Butte pack, they currently live in the northeast corner of Yellowstone and outside of the park.

831F was born in 2011 into the Canyon pack. She was a black wolf, easily recognized by the white stripe on her shoulders and white lower chest. She only lived two years, shot by a rancher in a shoot-on-sight livestock control action.

Sources for wolf bio information and photos: The Decade of the Wolf by Douglas W. Smith and Gary Ferguson, the National Park Service, Leo Leckie, Yellowstone Wolf Family Tree, Yellowstone Wolf Genealogy, and The 06 Legacy.

Balto: I was accidentally separated from her when I was young, so I never spent much time with... the wolf. I remember that she was as white as snow, and she had this warm voice that made me feel safe. Well, then Boris took me in, and, after being raised by a goose it's a wonder I don't honk instead of bark.

Hi all,

Thank you so much for any help you can offer! I've been playing Avadon: The Black Fortress for awhile now. I just took on the "Nightshade": wolf quest in the Kva last night, where I am to encounter the pack and kill them. This was after I defeated the Titan Army, and completed the Elder's sidequest. 

A very peculiar series of things happened. First, I raced my characters up to the northwestern edge of the map to double-check a chest that appeared closed, and my main character seemed to temporarily disappear, but then she reappeared again. I left Goldcrag to enter the Kva Lands to find Nightshade. Upon my encounter with the strange, green wolf, my main character was immediately enveloped into darkness -- she became outside of the entire map territory, and nothing was clickable. Interestingly, the other two characters also became pitched into blackness, but when I reloaded my save file (which I saved, just before encountering the wolf), my main character had appeared to be permanently off of the map screen and in darkness. The other two characters still existed, but when I returned back to Goldcrag and attempted several trials, including entering and leaving the Titan Lands, Goldcrag, etc., nothing brought the main character back. Also, the Avadon pylon in Goldcrag told me, upon my attempting to return back to Avadon to see if that would reset the whole madness, "Can't move here from where you are". Which is, apparently, in outer space. So, I tried the autosave, and the same thing happened. Upon repeated attempts of opening both of these files, I found that most of the time, my other two main characters would become pitched into darkness and thrown off the map as well, so that nothing was functional, and no one anywhere to be found. Again, I tried to encounter the green wolf Nightshade, and, true to its deadly name, it yet again re-immersed ALL of my characters into immediate darkness, into the void.

A couple of things I'd like to honestly disclose, out of being new to troubleshooting glitches like this, and working on Macs in general (I have a Macbook Pro Retina 2015, no updated graphics card, 16 GB of RAM, running 10.14 Mojave OS.).

Firstly, I downloaded this game from the "MacGameStore", an app built into the MacBook. I read that I should uninstall and then reinstall the game for troubleshooting, but I'm concerned: will this delete all of my save files?? I do have prior save files from this game, but I am hoping I can somehow recover this one, so I don't lose about three weeks work of progress... that would totally demotivate me to continue playing. D:

So, will I keep all of my save files if I uninstall and reinstall the game?

Also, the MacGameStore has apparently discontinued this game. It tells me I can still "play and install it". However, I'm unsure if that means I can also uninstall it, reinstall, etc. without any issues coming up.

Again, I'm not a software or game expert. 

I really appreciate your help! I love this game, and I hope I can get my progress back! Nightshade sure is an apt name for this wolf to be reckoned with. I could not find this glitch on the site.

Thank you.


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