Black Women Give Fund
Women of Color Roar Media supports organizations in alignment with our mission to uplift and empower our community.
2024 Sponsorship Recipients
2024 Sponsorships/Donations
Dr. Suzanne Afflalo is a Family Physician, who was born in Kingston, Jamaica..WI, worked at Kaiser Permanente for 23 years and retired in 9/2015. She received her medical degree from George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington DC and completed her Family Medicine Residency at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Los Angeles. She has held several leadership positions, including Chief of the Family Medicine Dept, SCPMG Professional Staff President and preceptor and Associate Faculty at UCSD Medical School. She has volunteered in the community for over 20 years and continues to serve as a mentor to middle and high school students interested in the medical field through Kaiser’s Hippocrates Circle Program; Kaiser’s Summer Youth Program and the Delta Foundation Leadership Development Mentor Program. In spring 2014, she designed and implemented “A Healthier Me”, a program developed to decrease the morbidity and mortality of African-Americans with various cardiovascular risks.
A company specializing in providing Health Education and Technology to historically underserved communities in San Diego, California and getting positive results.
To improve the overall health of underserved communities in San Diego by controlling or preventing chronic diseases (High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Obesity).
TO SAVE LIVES, by decreasing the number of strokes and heart attacks (cardiovascular events), which would decrease the incidence of heart disease and deaths among African Americans.
World Beat Center
Makeda Cheatom is Executive Director and Founder of the WorldBeat Cultural Center for 30 years. She has produced programs and presented artists from wide cultural genres represented within the cultural center. Makeda has received numerous awards for her service to the community. Most notably and recently, Makeda Cheatom was recognized by the Women’s Museum of California as a Cultural Competent Bridge Builder and in 2012 she was inducted into the San Diego County Women’s Hall of Fame. Other awards Makeda has received include: Channel 10 Leadership Award, Project Concern International, the Palava Tree for Arts & Culture, Water For Africa Foundation, International Rescue Committee, among many others. She has received dozens of other important awards from the State of California and the San Diego Community. Makeda is the founder of her own radio show, Reggae Makossa, broadcast on Fusion Radio 102.5 FM. She has been on the air for over 25 years. She produces her own television show WorldBeat Live, which is broadcast on numerous community television networks throughout the county. Makeda “Dread” Cheatom is dedicated, committed and determined to raise world consciousness through music, dance, and the arts. She promotes unity in diversity while teaching world peace.
Social justice, racial equity, cultural diversity, gender equality, and inclusion are paramount values at the forefront of the WorldBeat Cultural Center. For over 30 years, from the heart of our community in Balboa Park, San Diego, we have been committed to this work. We are a community-based organization that promotes, reflects, hosts, and breathes multi-cultural diversity focusing on elevating the pride and voices of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) cultures of the world. Our mission is to heal the world through the arts, music, dance, and gardening.
The mission of the Harvey Family Foundation is to provide services to families in underserved communities, support youth with opportunities to advance to college as well as provide community resource events.
Geneviéve Jones-Wright, Executive Director
MoGo was founded by two Black women lawyers who have dedicated their lives and careers to secure racial equality, social justice, and greater access to quality education.
Everyday at MoGo, we work to make our society better by eliminating barriers to full inclusion of every member of our society due to racism and discrimination based on social status, among other societal ills.
We are committed to the principle that an effective government is one where transparency, accountability, and a strong sense of responsibility to all its constituents are paramount. It’s our belief that our government truly functions at its best when it ensures complete accessibility for all individuals.
Our first name is “Community” by design. Everything we do is community-centered and community-driven.
Our Mission
Community Advocates for Just and Moral Governance (MoGo) promotes good governance. MoGo is committed to engaging in litigation and various forms of advocacy that will make government more just and fully accountable to all people, particularly those who have been marginalized from society.
Jasmine LeFlore, Cofounder
Dr. Brittany Wheeler, Cofounder
Our Mission
Greater Than Tech is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to helping create the next generation of innovative technology leaders by introducing girls and underserved students to immersive educational programs at the intersection of STEM and business.
Jasmine L. Sadler, Founder
The STEAM Collaborative, a vibrant network of 100+ partner organizations, a movement for educational equity that empowers youth and their educational leaders to thrive in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) alongside their endeavors in the Arts. Founded in San Diego, California in 2014, we recognize the underrepresentation of Black women in STEM fields and the widening opportunity gap for girls of color. The STEAM Collaborative bridges the gap in higher education research, workforce readiness, and entrepreneurship through collaborative programs and resources.
Ahahui Kiwila
2023 & 2024 Young Legislators Program 10-15 students and chaperons visit the state capitol to meet their representatives, learn civic engagement and participate in the California legislative floor session.
The mission of Ahahui Ki'wila Hawai'i o San Diego is the promotion, perpetuation and preservation of all things Hawaiian.
We strive to enliven our mission through the accomplishment of Ahahui's goals and objectives to:
> promote charitable educational and cultural projects for the benefit of everyone, with emphasis on people of Hawaiian ancestry
> Actively encourage educational and vocational goals through the aid of scholarships or other financial resources
> promote the principals of good government, citizenship and support civic, economic, historic, cultural, health and social welfare of the community