Regional Teaching

If you have any issues accessing either Teams or PGVLE, please email the Digital Teaching Rep

Post Graduate Virtual Learning Environment

The Post-Graduate Virtual Learning Environment (PGVLE) has been developed for the West Midlands region to host any teaching resources and feedback for trainees in the area. You will receive a personal login which is to be used at all times when you first enrol with West Midlands Deanery.

From August 2022, all live teaching sessions will no longer be hosted on PGVLE. Instead, these will be delivered via Microsoft Teams. Recordings of the sessions will then be uploaded to PGVLE, building a repository of teaching resources accessible for all West Midlands trainees. 

Feedback for each session will also be hosted via PGVLE and forms your record of attendance for each session in your ST1 year. 

Useful external websites and virtual teaching slides will also be hosted on PGVLE and these can be accessed at any time.

Link to PGVLE login here

St1 Regional Teaching

ST1 Regional Teaching is held virtually and includes West Midlands, East Midlands and East of England trainees. 

Currently, the sessions which are organised by West Midlands deanery run every month from August until December.

Attendance will be monitored via feedback forms completed on PGVLE. It is expected for you to attend 80% of these sessions. 

There usually is a week of teaching provided by the East of England deanery (Cambridge) during January and is done virtually.

East Midlands deanery has a 3 day revision course usually in May or June which the trainees are advised to attend. The cost can be reimbursed through the study leave budget.

ST2+  Reagional Teaching

Usually each month a teaching day is held for all trainees in the West Midlands region. 

The aim of the sessions is to prepare you for the FRCPath examinations, and to fulfil the objectives set out in the Histopathology curriculum. Teaching takes the form of presentations and slide seminars covering histology, cytology and autopsy pathology, as well as sessions covering general skills required of a pathologist.

The usual structure of the teaching days is: