The Vision

Our vision is a world without homelessness, and where people in poverty are not seen or treated as lesser people. Where everyone treats each other with love and reverence.

On streets throughout the United States, you'll see people without a home, living in tents or sleeping in doorways, and you'll see house residents walking around them like they are invisible or subhuman. Yet anyone can become homeless in an instant. Anyone.

One of the critical things homeless people need is just love. A friendly smile. Someone, anyone to believe in them enough to ask about their story, and perhaps share some words of encouragement. For chronically and newly homeless people, the dream of finding permanent shelter seems almost impossible, but stories of hope and genuine support from the community can make it possible and we've seen it happen.

Please submit a story, and if we collect enough we will publish more books for you to share on the street. Profit from books will go towards the homeless person selling the book and/or the purchase of more books. For each book sold or gifted, we hope the bridge closes just a little more.


Share your story via this form.

The wondeful Sonny.