About Us

Here's the main authors of the book & this website... we're looking for more! Please contact us if interested.

Andrew Noske, PhD

Andrew Noske got his PhD in diabetes research at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience in Australia, before moving to the United States to pursue a postdoc in neuroscience then a left turn into software engineering at Google Maps. He currently lives in San Francisco, and his biggest passions are dancing, the environment, writing, human psychology and trying to make an impact in the United States. 

Contact: Facebook & Email

James Richardson

James Richardson is a glassblower and his story is the first one in the book. Since writing started, James has been able to get off the streets and move in with a friend. He delivers for Uber Eats on his scooter and now that he has acquired a set of glass blowing equipment he is hoping to make glass blowing his main hustle and see his daughter again soon.

Contact: Email

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