WAM Club Rides
Regular Sunday Rides
Normally these are run most Sundays and are for club members. They are 'advertised' in our WhatsApp group.
Meet at Tudor Rose car park 09:15-09:30 ready to leave there promptly at 09:30 with a full tank of fuel. We use the drop off system to ensure that we can all ride our own ride and broadly an advanced rider pace without everyone having to navigate the route themselves.
Normally the ride leader will be making decisions on where the ride will aim to go on the morning of the ride and could be subject to change on the day! Nonetheless, they are usually about 180 - 240 miles long and are good fun. They are run in most weather conditions - as a bike club in the UK we have become used to the vagaries of the weather.
Of course we will find somewhere for a brew (or two) and a bite to eat. If its sunny we may even stop somewhere for an ice cream.
We do expect all riders on our rides to be courteous to other road users and abide by traffic regulations.
Sunday rides are normally led by our deputy Chief Observer, Derek Jeffries. If you have not been on our Sunday ride-outs before, please contact us at info@wam-iam.co.uk to check what's on.
To become a member of WAM and take part in our ride-outs, riders will need to have passed (or as an Associate be training to pass) their Advanced Rider Test with IAMRoadSmart, hold a current membership of both IAM RoadSmart and WAM itself.