Jazz Band

WHS Jazz Band

The WHS Jazz Band is an extra-curricular group made up of select members from the three concert ensembles.  The group rehearses outside of school once per week.  Performing multiple concerts throughout the school year, the group plays a wide range of music from pop/rock favorites and modern pieces to jazz standards and big band hits.  A featured group each year at the annual WHS Variety Show, the band also performs at several other school concerts and events.  For the past few years the band has kicked off the summer concert series at Shepherd of the Valley church in Rockford and performed a joint Christmas Concert with the Kishwaukee Valley Community Band.

WMS Jazz Band 

The WMS Jazz Band is an extra-curricular group made up of select members from the three concert ensembles.  The group rehearses outside of school once per week.  Performing multiple concerts throughout the school year, the group plays a wide range of music from pop/rock favorites and modern pieces to jazz standards and big band hits.  The group is primarily made up of trumpets, saxophones, trombones, baritones, bass guitar, piano, and drum set.