I do not think you want to do `make install` as part of this for end users. It will overwrite their distribution managed wine versions by install into default paths. A prefix is specified. The former sentence is incorrect.

TouchGFX Designer won't run on Wine, i think is the conclusion. Now that TouchGFX Generator (Creates TouchGFX HAL) is a part of CubeMX, which does run on linux, you can at least do that. But it doesn't help you much since you need TouchGFX designer to "complete" the project (bootstraps the application).

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tag_hash_104 🔥 https://ssurll.com/2yjZGf 🔥

It's VERY far out in our plans to do a cross-platform solution of the designer, i have to say. I don't see it happening within the next few years. I know of people who dual-boot linux and windows to work with TouchGFX. If you're interested i could share some possible workflows, but they're a bit convoluted since you need both windows and linux.

The command to install Winetricks you listed here does not work for Ubuntu-based Linux distros because it installs an old version of winetricks that will not let the user get the .net framework going. I followed these steps from Mint, but it also worked for me on popOS.

Thanks this is great, I've got Evernote installed in Ubuntu 14.04 using POL (Play on Linux)

Adding your suggested dll's made the icons and notes themselves behave properly - loads better


Agree the WineHQ DB is a mess 


I have another thing I did which is useful, I created a .reg file that you can import into the registry in wine and get the important attachments opening in the native linux programs. So doc,docx,xls,xlsx open in Libre Office, pdf in Acrobat for Ubuntu etc

(Edit: ) Install winbind (through `sudo apt-get install winbind`).

According to ,

I also had to fix libgnutls26 dependency by installing libgnutls28 (through `sudo apt-get install libgnutls-deb0-28:i386`) and symlinking the original libgnutls26 location to it through `sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgnutls-deb0.so.28 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgnutls.so.26` (NOTE: in the codeweavers article they accidently symlink to .28, which should be .26)

The notebook stack problems reported by user pez are due to problems with ordering, these are solved by installing the .NET 2.0 Framework (`winetricks dotnet20`)

Furthermore, disable the tray icon through:

1) Removing the evernote clipper startup shortcut from ~/.wine/drive_c/users//Start\ Menu/Programs/StartUp

2) Setting the following key to '0' in regedit: HKCU\Software\Evernote\Evernote\StartEvernoteClipper

Hi, I've tried that combination and it is very fast and responsive. one thing I've noticed is that check marks do not appear with this wine-combo. (See pics below. One represents the native windows client and the other represents the web client)

Well, I have installed Ubuntu 22.04 on my work laptop and no evernote linux package is available. The non-official client I tried (Nixnotes, Whatever, Tusk) have failed to worked and i don't manage to install EvernoteLatest.exe with Wine... So far this is disapointing and as long as I cannot find a solution, my home laptop will stay (alas) on Windows 11...

Undo your edit to the registry by running 'wine regedit' and going to HKey_Current_User->Software->Wine->Drivers , then set Audio key to alsa. You should have sound in wine if you have pulseaudio properly installed as per the wiki, use alsa as the wine driver, and have the needed 32 bit libraries installed.

Wine-fox is my customized build of wine you shouldn't need (game-specific patches, disabled 64 bit support, etc), and you should not specifically need the git version of openal (openal-git + lib32-openal-git) unless you are running wine-multimedia or some other such pulse-enabled wine package from the AUR, but you should have the regular versions installed, probably.

You aren't missing much. Pulse enabled builds of wine tend to have just as many sound problems as they fix, with tons of apps/games lacking sound that works fine in vanilla wine. As such, you are almost assuredly better off with vanilla wine w/ alsa unless you have a specific use case where a 3rd party pulse driver works better. The most recent working wine-multimedia package is pretty outdated at wine 1.3.29. On the wine-multimedia AUR page, I did post a working 1.3.36 pkgbuild with a pulse driver, but it is quite hackish and should not be used unless you're desperate to use a newer wine. Wine-multimedia's git itself has been updated to do this properly, but I can't get sound working on it through my own builds and nobody else has said they have either when I asked, so I suspect nobody has.

Do you have any forced library stuff in winecfg libraries tab (either globally or for starcraft 2)? It looks like you're trying to force mmdevapi to load with windows' dll and it can't be found in your respective wine folder. Most probably this was done by winetricks at some point if you have that installed. Please try a clean wineprefix if that doesn't turn out to be correct. Just move ~/.wine somewhere else and test out a clean environment.

So, in a nutshell, some debian guy put together a bunch of wine-multimedia git patches meant for an older wine and made it work with 1.3.35 for debian. I grabbed his sources and turned that to a package for 1.3.36 here. Not long after, wine-multimedia git itself came out with proper 1.3.36 stuff that we *should* use but nobody seems to have been able to make work here (or at least isn't saying anything).

* I could send you a super old winepulse package (1.3.18 I think) if you wanted for some reason

* Wine-multimedia with old wine 1.3.29 in AUR

* My slightly newer but hackish/improper 1.3.36 package posted to the above aur page

* Wait and see if somebody works out how to make an up to date wine-multimedia 1.3.36 package that actually works

* Wait and see if somebody updates the 1.4rc2 (or newer) packages in a less correct manner like I did with 1.3.36.. I actually already have a package for this, it just doesn't seem to work.

TL;DR: You have several choices for a pulse enabled package, all of them suck to a degree and none are exactly official. Wine-multimedia or one of my packages posted to said AUR page are what you're looking for if you really want to do it anyway. You're really better off with vanilla wine + alsa. If you don't see streams in pavucontrol, be sure you have pulseaudio-alsa installed and pulseaudio configured properly; wine streams show up fine for me with the alsa driver.

Just adding my experience to the mix. I was trying to play diablo 3 with play on linux wine version 1.7.5 and I have pulse audio and was not getting any sound. After making sure I had all the packages above it worked without me having to disable or kill pulse audio.

When running LMIIgnition.exe with wine it starts up OK but refuses to do anything because it can't detect that I am connected to the internet. It has been like this for a long time, but that step seems like something that should be easy to fix - I know that doesn't mean the rest of the program would work but it would at least move things forward.

Installed packages (Arch Linux). Make sure the multi-lib repository is enabled in /etc/pacman.conf. The nss-mdns package provides the domain name resolution library for 32bit wine prefixes. It's what fixes our networking. 0852c4b9a8

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