After switching from portrait to landscape mode on my second monitor, my taskbar seems to be stuck on the left side of the screen. My taskbar also no longer has any icons and all of the icons that are normally in the taskbar corner are overlapping with each other. I've already attempted restarting the windows explorer and rebooting my PC. I'm not sure how to go about fixing this now. (Photo provided)

@rnefm I got the solution to this. 

yoy need to fix it in the registry. 

Do a google search for windows 10 on how to move taskbar to the left. 

And it will show you how to make it also regular. 

this occurred when some program crashed and reconfigured my task bar. It works now. 

had to change the setting to 30. 

hope that helps.

Windows Update Download Stuck At 0


The way to get past the "let's connect to a network" screen is to do the following:

When you have installed windows and get to the "let's connect to a network screen", and there are no options to either connect or back out or proceed:

4. If there are no internet options (which is what happened to me) you will have to manually download the required drivers. In this case I downloaded the Intel Wireless setup driver from the Nuc 13 support page, copied them on a USB stick, and inserted the USB stick in to the Nuc 13. As soon as I installed the wireless driver, internet became available, and I was able to connect to the internet, and use windows update to download and install all the other drivers.

6) Dropbox has been running now for hours and no online files are displaying and the one file that I transferred to my local folder is also not uploading. Dropbox reports 'Syncing' but there is almost no Dropbox network activity in the windows task manager (0.1 Mbps every minute or so).

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There could be a few reasons that the syncing is stuck uploading the file you added locally to your account, which may be due to a connection issue from what you see from the selective sync settings. However, let's see what we can find.

I have my main computer running windows10 hosting a lot of files (let's call him gustavo), in the beginning it costed me 3 days to make the full index but I need al these files on this pc (615029 files)

The syncing finished after 3 days and since then everything was ok... Untill I booted some other computer containing new (and old) files that needed to be synced. After the sync gustavo seemed like to have lost its Dropbox index or wanted to refresh it fully (no reason for it, only a little files where updated trough the other computer). So it started to show the blue (need to sync) icon on all the folders. It advanced to: 487 237. There it got stuck. Now the computer is for 4 days showing the same ammount of files need to be synced... nothing is advancing. Off course I rebooted my pc, restarted the Dropbox deamon (or app) but nothing seems to help.

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Closing the other Apps does not help. Closing all processes/services I cannot do cause it makes my computer crash with a blue screen as it are essensial services to run windows. It must be something with the index. I remember I had a similar problem in the past (corrupt index) and the only working solution was to delete de sigstore.dbx

Hello everyone,

From today on I've been having problems using SQL Developer. All the previous times I used it it used to open regularly, everything loading fine. Until today. I was performing tasks to run some SQL Scripts and test the database (it was reset after some time).

Every time I open the program, it is stuck on the "Restoring Windows" bar. It doesn't load any further until I restart it for the second time, with the bar still ending up stuck at the same point. At the second time, it does launch regularly, but with one drawback. All the previous files I had on previous sessions disappear with the Welcome Page remaining on my homepage for the time being (until I open all files).

Sometimes I get confused choosing which task to end in the background, caused by SQL Developer. That way I will have to investigate which window to end and keep only the main page of SQL Developer. If I try ending one task, then I will have to repeat the same process all over again, choosing which task to end.

On the second try, and with the Restoring Windows bar being stuck I can regularly open files using the Open File option.

Earlier this morning a installed updates on our Windows 2016 Server and it came right back up. Then I installed some updates on the Hyper-V server it runs on and I needed to shut down the 2016 Server while I let the hypervisor reboot. When I went to shut down the Windows 2016 server it went to "Getting Windows Ready, Don't turn off your computer". It has been there for about 45 minutes now. It makes no sense because it had just finished installing updates and had rebooted. I am desperate to get by this because I need the server to restart but don't have any idea what it is doing or how long it's going to take or if it's stuck. What can I do in the situation? Microsoft's take on this that it's ok to put users in this situation with no feedback whatsoever is frustrating to say the least. How dangerous would it be for me to go ahead and shut the machine down anyway? How long do I wait before I assume I have no other choice? How can I get any idea of how far it is through the process?

I know this is already over a year old, but I just had this happen on a 2016 server. 

I rebooted it 3+ hours ago and when I used a VMWare console to see what it was doing it displayed the "getting windows ready" message.

Weirdly, I also have a Dell running windows 10, chose not to share information, and my install stopped at 18%. Going to try your advice of agreeing to share and see what happens. That is pretty shady if that is something automatic.

Since I have updated Rhino, my Rhino window now sometimes get stuck minimized in the windows tool bar. If hover over the Rhino 6 icon in my tool bar and select the model I want to work on it briefly appears before then hearing the windows error (ding) and the window disappears. I can not get back into that session, the only way is to close it and open it again.

Forgot to mention. I do not get an error / any feedback from ArcGIS. So unfortunalty no information here. (would really like to get a clear error message). Tool doesn't crash it just does not end. Last run is now already "stuck" for hours.

I was able to correctly get the windows 11 iso using uupbump and correctly input into VMware fusion. However, when going through the steps, I was stuck on the "let's connect to a network" page" because I am unable to see any network connections.

So, I though it had got stuck -- but it had not -- and this is important! Go into C:\Windows\Distribution. If there are files and folders there, Windows Update is working, it's just not updating the status info.

Hello! We are having an intermittent Laserfiche Snapshot issue with several PCs since upgrading them to Windows 10. When we attempt to print a pdf OR word document to LF Snapshot the job will get stuck in the print queue as "Printing..." and the dialog box never comes up. This seems to be happening with many different documents at random. We can't seem to cancel the print job either when this occurs, or restart the spool service, the only way to get this print job out of the queue is to restart the machine. e24fc04721

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