I'm an audio engineer, and one of the programs I use is called Spitfire Audio. I loaded it up today, and had to install an update. However, this update will not install because it gives me an error, saying I need Windows Service Pack 1 or later. I'm not very knowledgeable about Windows stuff, but from what I've found, these Service Packs come bundled in with the updates, and I'm on the latest version, so I don't really know what to do. Any help would be much appreciated.

I've create a Windows Service using C# that when OnStart is called creates a new thread from another class. This new thread then loops waiting for any incoming TCP connections. Or it should. When I start the service it automatically stops after about 5 seconds. I don't know why it is doing this. I understand that services close on their own if they have no work to do but the work has been specified for it. Anyone got any ideas why this would be happening? My OnStart Method looks like this:

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First, make sure you app code runs OK when not set up as a service. If your code runs OK when not set up as a service, my guess is that your OnStart is taking too long for some reason. If you cannot speed it up, the info here allows you to handle necessary startup latency.

In Win32, you have to update the service status by notifying the Service Control Manager (SCM) of startup (and stop) progress periodically, or it will think your service is hung and kill it. You may need to do this only once, or on a timer if your initialization takes a long time. While your startup (stop) logic is in progress, you tell SCM you are in state START_PENDING (STOP_PENDING) and once it's done you tell it you are in STARTED (STOPPED) state.

Right I've got it. I was doing something stupid with the config file, which including moving the .exeXML config file to the wrong place. Which resulted in an Configuration Error, and the service wasn't liking it. I've got it up and running now though. So thanks for your help.

@bfhd's answer will work if you just want to change the Display Name (which is what's shown in the list in Services.msc, but is not the "real" service name (which is the name of the registry key containing the service information, and used in APIs like OpenService). The Remarks section of this MSDN article talks about service names vs. display names a bit more.

Unfortunately, there's no official way to change a service's name. However, it is probably possible, if you absolutely must rename the service instead of just re-installing it under the new name for some reason. Do the following:

It works for some time (like 10-15 days) then it stops. I mean the service shows as running, but it does not do anything. I make some logging and the problem can be the timer, because after the interval it does not call the tickTack_Elapsed function.

The Timer is used from the System.Timers namespace, the environment is Windows 2003. I used this approach in two different services on different servers, but both is producing this behavior (this is why I thought that it is somehow connected to my code or the framework itself).

I edited both services. One got a nice try-catch everywhere and more logging. The second got a timer-recreation on a regular basis. None of them stopped since them, so if this situation remains for another week, I will close this question. Thank you for everyone so far.

I close this question because nothing happened. I mean I made some changes, but those changes are not really relevant in this matter and both services are running without any problem since then. Please mark it as "Closed for not relevant anymore".

I have seen this before with both timer, and looped services. Usually the case is that an exception is caught that stops the timer or looping thread, but does not restart it as part of the exception recovery.

Like many respondents have pointed out exceptions are swallowed by timer. In my windows services I use System.Threading.Timer. It has Change(...) method which allows you to start/stop that timer. Possible place for exception could be reentrancy problem - in case when tickTack_Elapsed executes longer than timer period. Usually I write timer loop like this:

To REMOVE the Duplicati service (not just turn it off) you run Duplicati.WindowsService.exe uninstall in your Duplicati install folder (so most likely something like "C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2\Duplicati.WindowsService.exe" uninstall.

My first install I did a normal install and later converted it to a service (running as SYSTEM). I had to move the .sqlite database files manually from under my user profile AppData directory to C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Duplicati. Starting up without moving the config database acted like a clean install with zero knowledge of my existing settings or backup jobs.

Move (or copy) the existing database to the new location and point the service job to it

Move (or copy) the existing database to the new location and rename it to match what the service job is already looking for

I created an installer using Inno Setup and I include installation of the windows service that I created. Is it necessary to restart computer after installation? even though I have already installed and started the service without problem?

You probably already figured this out, but it's not necessary required. The registry is edited and the service is installed, so you're ready to go. The only note is that the service won't start automatically after installation so you'll have to start it manually even if the startup type has been set to Automatic. When windows reboots, the Service will start automatically.

Windows Service fails to start #2717 is the technical analysis of the problem caused by the update design doing extensive disk reads at boot time when disk is busy. Workaround for now is more time, or start later.

I have a windows service that worked properly when the target framework is .NET 2, when I changed it to .Net 4 I recompiled the project, re-installed it using installutil then started the service but I'm getting "Windows could not start the service on Local Computer. Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly."Not sure how to proceed, the OnStart() method is not being hit by the Debugger.Break() line. Any idea how to proceed? Is there some settings or configuration I need to update if I change the target framework?

To get to this point, I "googled" and "SO'ed" to find the best use of timer... I also have a nave test layer that reproduces what's in the service, I can run through that fine without any exceptions but this one is driving me nuts.

OrderUoW is a class in my service that inherits from BatchOrder which is responsible for many actions including connecting to two databases and polling of the shopify API... OrderUow is purely to decouple from the business layer but giving access to "x" methods.

I have built one windows service that sends out email after every 30 minutes in C#. The Service start mode is set to Automatic. But still windows doesn't start automatic. I need to manually start by going to Services.msc and right clicking the service and select start

You can start the service yourself in a custom action in your installer. I assume you have an Installer class already and that it is already a custom action for your setup project since the service is installing, but not starting.

Why put yourself through all the overhead and suffering of troubleshooting and maintaining a windows service for a time based/polling application? The windows OS has built in support for this. Just create a simple console application. Run it as a scheduled task.

I knew a guy who made everything a windows service and labeled it SOA. Piling up windows services for polling/time based mechanisms isn't SOA. Its so sloppy compared to console applications and so much more difficult to maintain I can't even begin to express how bad an idea it is. I had to deal with about ~20-30 of these win services and once they were converted to n-tier and a console app suddenly the stability of the application went through the roof and my life got 10x easier. So please, do yourself a favor and listen to somebody who has been through months and many iterations of these types of app. Run it as a scheduled task in a console app.

Auto-starting services are subject to problems with service initialization order. You have plenty of dependencies, the TCP/IP stack better be in working order before you try to send an email, for example. Look in the Windows event log for an exception message that prevented OnStart() from getting the service started.

This can be configured for a service, check out the Dependencies tab for the Print Spooler service for example. This is however difficult to deal with, hard to figure out exactly which services need to be running and hard to write the registry entries that configure the dependencies.

You install it with installutil? You're right, it doesn't start the service, even if it's set to automatic. If I were you, I'd provide a batch file which calls installutil and then also runs 'net start whatever'. Or if you're using other kinds of installation, those should provide this ability too.

I wrote a windows service it it works and STARTS fine in most operating systems. I have narrowed down the fact that Windows 10 upgraded from windows 8 causes a problem where the service does not start on reboot when the service is set to automatic.I find that start delayed does work ok.Wondered if anyone knew of nuances between a full from scratch install and an upgrade that might point to the narrowing in on this elusive issue.

I just came across an installation where it works fine and the OS was upgraded from Win 8. There seems to be some dependency that is different. The service was written against .Net Framework 4.0 x86.The service starts manually just fine.automatic (at boot) startup does not work. I was about to say it fails - but that is not the case as it does not seem to even be trying.

We had a similar issue with windows 10 where most .Net based services would fail on startup, but could be started later manually just fine. For some reason, services that are written in .NET take longer to start in Windows 10. By default, if a service takes longer than 30 seconds to start without responding, the service is terminated by Windows. 006ab0faaa

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