I follow this documentation and tried the suggested alert query "logName = "projects/PROJECT_ID/logs/certificatemanager.googleapis.com%2Fcertificates_expiry" AND jsonPayload.state = "EXPIRED"" in Cloud Logging. I also create 2 log-based metrics with that query for jsonPayload.state = "EXPIRED" and jsonPayload.state = "CLOSE_TO_EXPIRY". I replaced PROJECT_ID with the ID of my project.

I did a test with a certificate and let it expire but I can't see any logs relative to that (close to expire or expired), I only have logs for the creation of the certificate. I am surprised because as mentionned in the documentation : "Certificate Manager logging is always enabled and only captures a minimal amount of information specifically related to certificate expiration."

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Since this is a configuration-based alert, it will only work if the Certificate Manager logs in Cloud Logging indicate that a certificate is close to expiration or has expired. You might want to create an issue in Google Cloud's public issue tracker regarding this matter.

We have an AD environment, with '03 ISA servers for our CA, but I think we are wanting to go down the path of using the self signed certificate from the Apache / JSS server. We have a working package to install the root certificate into the system, and set trusted level.. but as an added precaution before we turn on certificate level auth, we would like to do a search of all the managed systems that have that certificate installed. We can see the installed certificates in the computer details --> Certificate, but there is no option for certificates when creating the advanced search criteria...

Any ideas? (Yes I know we could look at the logs for when the certificate package was sent down, just thought that if the info is already availble in the JSS, someone might be able to pull that data out)

This is the closest thread to what I'm currently looking for. I have an AD Certificate that was pushed out through a Configuration Profile, but half have succeeded and half have failed. Currently, the JSS cannot give me a detailed report on which machines are under which status (successful, failed, or pending), and at over 100 devices, I can't confirm which ones succeeded and which ones failed easily. Does anyone else know if there is a way to search for and identify machines that have a specific certificate?

My scripting is pretty weak, but couldn't an extension attribute be set up to read the presence of the certificate and a smart group created from there? You can use the certtool command to display cert information if you know the infilename. Maybe that can get you started? here is the man page for certtool:

Thank you! This worked for me. I was an Admin in App Store Connect without access to certificates. After I was granted access to certificates by a colleague with that permission, I could then grant it to others.

We at Support often get queries about how to change the default self-signed certificate to a custom and properly signed one. While we have a bunch of articles around this already, I thought I'd sit down and combine what we have into one (hopefully complete) blog post.

Issue was fixed by copying certificate files to mycert directory i.e default directory with splunk installation. for my case opt/splunk/etc/auth directory, and use the relative path in config file rather than absolute.

I am trying to install a wildcard SSL certificate on our Fortigate 200D running firmware 5.2.3. I generated the certificate request right on the firewall itself. I am able to import the .crt certificate into the "External CA Certificates" section of the Certificates page under System > Certificates. However, I cannot select the certificate to use anywhere else - for example, under VPN > SSL > Settings > Server Certificate. It only allows me to select the factory certificate. Tech Support requested that I import the certificate as a local certificate, but when I try to do that, I get an error message - "The imported local certificate is invalid" - and cannot proceed. Has anyone had any better luck than I have and could point me in the right direction?

I was able to figure it out. I think the problem was generating the certificate request on the firewall itself and something happened to the private key. I generated a new request with OpenSSL on a different machine, exported the private key and rekeyed my certificate. I was then able to import the new certificate and private key.

For normal traffic and internet usage, there is zero relevance to the certificate on these devices. Sure, if this happens and the user is active on a HSTS site, the device Web browser needs to complain. But again, this isn't the key issue here.

This seems to be proof that access control, when turned on, uses the invalid routerlogin certificate built into the Orbi firmware and therefore also implies that the latest Orbi firmware is not compatible with some websites that enforce HSTS.

If you want full site and configuration access, then you should sign up for the Certified Professional - Expense Configuration. This certification will follow you no matter what company you work for. You must pass the exam with either 70 or 75%.

Good afternoon. We have a problem like this one: -expired-psc-certificates-with-v... After upgrading vcenter from version 5.5 to 6.0 and then to 6.0U3, we encountered a problem that affects the expired certificate of the PSC on port 7444. As far as I know, since version 6.0, PSC uses port 433, and port 7444 is left to manage vcenter 5.5 versions. I found just such an article, which describes an almost similar situation, although our PSC starts and works, but only on port 7444 there is an old certificate, because of this NSX-V does not connect to the lookup service on ports 433 and 7444. The question is necessary for us to carry out point 9 of this instruction, since we have vCenter 6.0. I'm confused.

I also found an article in which it is proposed to replace the expired certificate from the PSC on port 7444 with a machine certificate by simple copying, but our vCenter does not have the store STS_INTERNAL_SSL_CERT, this option would certainly be preferable, who can help please?

Thank you for your reply. Well, if I follow the steps of KB , then I have a question, after the 9th point in which the ssoserver certificate is replaced, the 10th point is described in which they ask to update the certificate also to the vcenter for the lookup service, if it is version 5.5. We already have version 6.0 U3 installed. I understand correctly that we need to skip this 10 point and follow the 11 point, in which we need to restart the PSC services?

Also some pointers on how to set-up the developer ID, keys and certificates clean, and managing ones you already downloaded once on previous installations, to revoke etc. would be so much appreciated.

How do I know which certificates are trusted and which aren't, what is a normal directory just showing up among hidden files, and which aren't? For example here. I don't speak German, nor do I know what 'cracklib' does, and yet it is there. Only way I could see it was by duplicating the folder into my user library. How do you tell when something is spyware, or just dev utilities etc?

In general it takes 48-72 business hours to receive your certificate. Due to the current holidays this is likely slower. I would recommend you give it 2 more days and if you have not received your cert to reach out to PSI.

First of all, our client gave us a certificate .pfx. We uploaded it to ServiceNow by attaching it as PKCS12 Key Store type with its password. Apparently it's ok because SN says 'Valid pkcs12_key_store' (apparently, because w/ SN you never know.. ).

''javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target''.

We also tried using 'protocol profiles' in the SOAP Message Functions. Is there any way to force the SOAP Message to use the certificate? Like the WS- Security Type x.509. We tried this, but we don't know it was in the proper way...

Using Email tool, you are not able to send email via SMTP server that uses STARTTLS protocol and self-signed certificate for completing the handshake between the client and the server. You face an error:

Plaintiff sued on a certificate of deposit and a certified check, the former being issued by the defendant bank in 1905 and the latter being certified in 1919. Both were negotiated in 1937 and presented for payment the next day. Defendant pleaded the ten year statute of limitations as a bar. Held, at common law the statute of limitations did not operate on demand certificates of deposit until demand had been made, and section 70 of the Negotiable Instrument Law does not alter this common-law requirement. This applies also to certified checks, for they are substantially the same as certificates of deposit. Dean v. Iowa-Des Moines Nat. Bank & Trust Co., (Iowa 1938) 281 N. W. 714.

On Tuesday 27 June, the Council of the European Union adopted a Council Recommendation on membership of the global digital health certification network established by the World Health Organization (WHO), providing for temporary arrangements to facilitate international travel in anticipation of the expiry of Regulation 2021/953 (EU digital Covid certificate). 006ab0faaa

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