scid chess database for Windows : how can I stop scid from loading the default example database when the program starts? I'm interested also in knowing how I can set another database to be opened when scid launchs.

EscherehcsE: yes, in fact under Xubuntu the Example database doesn't loads on startup, and I noticed also chess engines have to be installed separately if you want them, they aren't integrated into the installer as in my scid for Windows.

Windows 7 Default Chess Game Download


Hello chess community.. 

I am experiencing a problem with the sound effects for games. it all changes to a really annoying sound and I couldn't figure out how to turn it back to the way it was. I really hope this is a glitch I seriously don't want to get used to the new sounds. 

The problem I've had may not OP's, but my case is that it started to change the move sounds without touching any setting myself, in the past 10 days or so, today I found out the cause of the problem, is that it was set to "Marble" in the `Sound Theme` field in the settings Again, I've never touched this setting before. I changed it back to "Default" and the weird sound issue has solved for me. I later checked my another account, logged in, I confirmed the sound setting change in there as well. Obviously it seems backend is doing something weird on our settings.

If there was a way to choose different default colours for these buttons, it would save me a lot of time. Unfortunately, the Scid vs PC options are like a maze, and although the extensive manual is somewhat helpful, it doesn't really offer me a solution, beyond doing the colours manually.

More important is the fact that I now understand picochess and its structure way better than 2 years ago - otherwise I would not have been able to do some of my more advanced features and picochess is really not that easy to understand for a beginner. Even adding a new menu option sounds easy but although not really difficult is taking a lot of effort - way more than you would think of...

For this feature a python-chess bug in 22.1 version must have been fixed to support the movestogo go command option correctly (in later python-chess versions this has been already fixed! So we definitely have to upgrade the python-chess package some time!)

## depth = search depth for each move calculation (if you want to restrict the move search to a number of max. plies in the search tree, set a depth > 0. In this case the time control settings are ignored and move time is set to 11:11, default for depth = 0

With picochess (0.9N, 201) it is already possible to run remote engines in picochess remote only mode (you have to start picochess in this mode). Furthermore you need a dedicated engines.ini on your remote computer and you have only access to these remote engines in this mode.

Synthesized voice support for moves in WebServer and deletion of the non working remote room button functionality (we can still use the remote mode function in picochess -from my 2.0 version on- and of course the remote engines as well)

I can now organize my engines in subfolders within the main engine folder (just specify the subfolder path in engines.ini in in front of the filename eg. [MAME/mm5] where MAME is a subfolder within the armv7l folder (thanks to Wilhelm for supporting the correct engine startup loading procedure because this did not work correctly in the previous picochess versions!). Now the whole engine path is (automatically) written to picochess.ini.

Possibility to directly play an alternative move on the board after the engine move is displayed in NORMAL mode like in TRAINING mode or in the DGT CENTAUR chess computer (setting in menu and config parameter)

Indeed with all these changes I diid over the last 1,5 years picochess now feels kind of complete for me. The hundreds of hours I could only invest in picochess because of health issues which lead to a cut-back of my regular work.

I have a graphics issue with a couple of the old LEGO games in my collection. One is creator kk not showing cutscenes but playing audio, or not showing tutorial levels properly on screen, the other is chess with vertical lines in game and no cutscenes except the in game animated cutscenes. One day either me or someone else will get cutscenes working.

I've been able to play through the story and get all the videos added to my scrapbook collection, but I am not able to finish the third game of each story mode.

The tutorial mode crashes pretty frequently, and I can't use the save function that is in normal games to try to progress through it.

The save function is otherwise the saving grace for getting through a normal chess game.

Also, on the side, I haven't figured out what the third page of the scrapbook is -- perhaps someone here knows.

I was able to set it up on my 64-bit machine by using a 32-bit installer fix that I found online. The default installer is 16-bit but the game itself is 32-bit, if I am not mistaken.

There are a couple different 32-bit installers out there, they should be easy to find just by searching.

I've been able to play with 0 crashes on Windows 10. The avi cutscenes don't play, but I'm wondering if that's a codec issue, as I can't play the .avi's video portion with Windows 10's default video player. (Update: Run the game in compatibility mode, e.g. Windows 95, to get the cutscenes to play on Windows 10.) The cutscenes do play on the Windows XP VM though (after adding a floppy drive, as A seems to be reserved there).

Stockfish has consistently ranked first in most of the chess engine rating lists and, as of December 2023, is the strongest CPU chess engine in the world with an estimated Elo rating of 3546 (CCRL 40/15).[4] It has won all the main events in the Top Chess Engine Championship (TCEC) and the Computer Chess Championship (CCC) since 2020.

Stockfish has been a very popular engine on various platforms. On desktop, it is the default chess engine bundled with the Internet Chess Club interface programs BlitzIn and Dasher. On mobile, it has been bundled with the Stockfish app, SmallFish and Droidfish. Other Stockfish-compatible graphical user interfaces (GUIs) include Fritz, Arena, Stockfish for Mac, and PyChess.[11][12] Stockfish can be compiled to WebAssembly or JavaScript, allowing it to run in the browser. Both and Lichess provide Stockfish in this form in addition to a server-side program.[13] Release versions and development versions are available as C++ source code and as precompiled versions for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux 32-bit/64-bit and Android.

The Stockfish engine essentially consists of three parts: board representation, heuristic tree search, and board evaluation. Board representation is about coding a chess board state efficiently so that it can be efficiently stored and searched over. Heuristic tree search approximates minimax tree search, which would be too slow to perform. Board evaluation takes in a board representation and gives it a score for how "good" the board is (i.e. the estimated chances of winning).[14]

The program originated from Glaurung, an open-source chess engine created by Romstad and first released in 2004. Four years later, Costalba, inspired by the strong open-source engine, decided to fork the project. He named it Stockfish because it was "produced in Norway and cooked in Italy" (Romstad is Norwegian, Costalba is Italian). The first version, Stockfish 1.0, was released in November 2008.[15][16] For a while, new ideas and code changes were transferred between the two programs in both directions, until Romstad decided to discontinue Glaurung in favor of Stockfish, which was the more advanced engine at the time.[17] The last Glaurung version (2.2) was released in December 2008.

Around 2011, Romstad decided to abandon his involvement with Stockfish in order to spend more time on his new iOS chess app.[18] On 18 June 2014 Marco Costalba announced that he had "decided to step down as Stockfish maintainer" and asked that the community create a fork of the current version and continue its development.[19] An official repository, managed by a volunteer group of core Stockfish developers, was created soon after and currently manages the development of the project.[20]

In June 2020, an efficiently updatable neural network (NNUE) fork introduced by computer shogi programmers called Stockfish NNUE was discussed by developers.[26][27] In July 2020 chess news reported that Stockfish NNUE had "broken new ground in computer chess by incorporating a neural network into the already incredibly powerful Stockfish chess engine."[28] A NNUE merge into Stockfish was then announced and development builds became available.[29][30]

Ever since hosted its first Computer Chess Championship in 2018, Stockfish has been the most successful engine. It dominated the earlier championships, winning six consecutive titles before finishing second in CCC7. Since then, its dominance has come under threat from the neural-network engines Leelenstein and Leela Chess Zero, but it has continued to perform well, reaching at least the superfinal in every edition up to CCC11. CCC12 had for the first time a knockout format, with seeding placing CCC11 finalists Stockfish and Leela in the same half. Leela eliminated Stockfish in the semi-finals. However, a post-tournament match against the loser of the final, Leelenstein, saw Stockfish winning in the same format as the main event. After finishing second again to Leela in CCC13, and an uncharacteristic fourth in CCC14, Stockfish went on a long winning streak, taking first place in every championship since.

Microsoft intended Solitaire to "soothe people intimidated by the operating system," and at a time where many users were still unfamiliar with graphical user interfaces, it proved useful in familiarizing them with the use of a mouse, such as the drag-and-drop technique required for moving cards.[6] According to Microsoft telemetry, Solitaire was among the three most-used Windows programs and FreeCell was seventh, ahead of productivity-based applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel.[7][7] Lost business productivity by employees playing Solitaire became a common concern since the game was included in Windows by default.[8] 2351a5e196

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