Finally, Windows Terminal, one of the OSes tabbed apps, will receive tab "tear-out" that lets you move tabs between different windows for better management. This change is also coming soon to File Explorer, although Microsoft has yet to unveil it officially.

APPLY and close out of filter options

f.Profile options -> WHEN

i.This is where you configure the schedule. This will auto generate a windows task with whatever options you set here. Personally, I set a basic schedule, then used the actual windows Task Scheduler to tune the options

ii.There are 1245 ways you can this. However, this part is key, so make sure you got your shit right, and test it.


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Thanks resolove my issue. becuase on windows server 2008 need full path while raring:On my scenario i schediled a batch script to zip one file everyday,but it didnt work as below my old script:"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a test.rar test.txt : this didnt work

A rar is an archive, you can extract it with 7zip on windows, or with various other software. To play you need GZDoom, the archive includes it for windows but on other platforms you'll have to figure out how to use it yourself.

You basically set up "profiles" (Using the "-config [name]" command in the properties of the shortcuts that you're using to start a co-op game. Though I would set up the configs first before adding the co-op lines.), change their controls (Exclusively to key/mouse and controller respectively - unbind literally everything from the other player's input or it can cause issues. These controls will start very wrong when creating a brand new config file, so I would set these up and test them before you load a co-op game. This is also a good time to pick your characters, as it will remember them per config!) and the location the windows display to (This is more difficult and may require use of console commands and/or a little trial-and-error. If you're using one monitor, going into the config files you made with a text editor - notepad will do - and looking for "win_x" and "win_y" will help a lot here.), then start it as a regular co-op game with each player using their unique "-config [name]" in the shortcuts. If done correctly, you can focus the mouse on the window of the key/mouse player and the controller will still be sending inputs to the other instance of the game. This should be backed up by the controller players' windows highlighted in orange on the taskbar.

Pre-positioning windows for "splitscreen" can be difficult, but needs to be done. This is all because you can not click the controller player's window or it will lose input. I would also recommend opening the key/mouse player's instance of the game last, just to be sure the controller players' instances never become the mouse's focus.


It skips to encrypt the following files or paths:bootsect.bakiconcache.dbthumbs.dbwallet.dat\$recycle.bin\\$windows.~bt\\boot\\drivers\\program files\\program files (x86)\\programdata\\users\all users\\windows\\appdata\local\\appdata\locallow\\appdata\roaming\\public\music\sample music\\public\pictures\sample pictures\\public\videos\sample videos\\tor browser\It queries the affected system's country by accessing the following URL:  It executes the dropped VBS component which is responsible for speaking the following message:Attention! Attention! Attention!

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