NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) is a free and open source screen reader for the Microsoft Windows operating system.Providing feedback via synthetic speech and Braille, it enables blind or vision impaired people to access computers running Windows for no more cost than a sighted person.NVDA is developed by NV Access, with contributions from the community.

Apart from providing its messages and interface in several languages, NVDA can also enable the user to read content in any language, as long as they have a speech synthesizer that can speak that language.

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For users that own a refreshable braille display, NVDA can output its information in braille.NVDA uses the open source braille translator LibLouis to generate braille sequences from text.Both uncontracted and contracted braille input via a braille keyboard is also supported.Furthermore, NVDA will detect many braille displays automatically by default.Please see the Supported Braille Displays section for information about the supported braille displays.

NVDA is available under the GNU General Public License version 2, with two special exceptions.The exceptions are outlined in the license document under the sections "Non-GPL Components in Plugins and Drivers" and "Microsoft Distributable Code".NVDA also includes and uses components which are made available under different free and open source licenses.You are free to share or change this software in any way you like as long as it is accompanied by the license and you make all source code available to anyone who wants it.This applies to both original and modified copies of this software, plus any derivative works.

This quick start guide contains three main sections: downloading, initial setup, and running NVDA.These are followed by information on adjusting preferences, participating in the community and getting help.The information in this guide is condensed from other parts of the NVDA User Guide.Please refer to the full User Guide for more detailed information on each topic.

NVDA is completely free for anyone to use.There is no license key to worry about or expensive subscription to pay.NVDA is updated, on average, four times per year.The latest version of NVDA is always available from the "Download" page of the NV Access website.

If you plan to always use NVDA on this computer, you will want to choose to install NVDA.Installing NVDA will allow for additional functionality such as automatic starting after sign-in, the ability to read the Windows sign-in and secure screens.These cannot be done with portable and temporary copies.For full details of the limitations when running a portable or temporary copy of NVDA, please see Portable and temporary copy restrictions.

The full NVDA user guide has all the NVDA commands, split up into different sections for reference.The tables of commands are also available in the "Commands Quick Reference".The "Basic Training for NVDA" NVDA training module has each command in more depth with step-by-step activities."Basic Training for NVDA" is available from the NV Access Shop.

To learn and practice the location of keys, press NVDA+1 to turn Input help on.While in input help mode, performing any input gesture (such as pressing a key or performing a touch gesture) will report the action and describe what it does (if anything).The actual commands will not execute while in input help mode.

Most NVDA functions can be enabled or changed via the NVDA settings.Settings, and other options, are available via NVDA's menu.To open NVDA's menu, press NVDA+n.To open NVDA's general settings dialog directly, press NVDA+control+g.Many settings screens have keystrokes to open them directly, such as NVDA+control+s for synthesizer, or NVDA+control+v for other voice options.

NVDA has a vibrant user community.There is a main English language email list and a page full of local language groups.NV Access, makers of NVDA, are active on Twitter and Facebook.NV Access also have a regular In-Process blog.

To get help for NVDA, press NVDA+n to open the menu, then h for help.From this submenu you can access the User Guide, a quick reference of commands, history of new features and more.These first three options open in the default web browser.There is also more comprehensive Training Material available in the NV Access Shop.

If installing NVDA directly from the downloaded NVDA launcher, press the Install NVDA button.If you have already closed this dialog or are wanting to install from a portable copy, please choose the Install NVDA menu item found under Tools in the NVDA menu.

The installation dialog that appears will confirm whether you wish to install NVDA and will also tell you whether this installation will be updating a previous install.Pressing the Continue button will start installing NVDA.There are also a few options in this dialog which are explained below.Once the installation has completed, a message will appear telling you that it was successful.Pressing OK at this point will restart the newly installed copy of NVDA.

If you have add-ons already installed there may also be a warning that incompatible add-ons will be disabled.Before you're able to press the Continue button you will have to use the checkbox to confirm that you understand that these add-ons will be disabled.There will also be a button present to review the add-ons that will be disabled.Refer to the incompatible add-ons dialog section for more help on this button.After installation, you are able to re-enable incompatible add-ons at your own risk from within the Add-on Store.

This option allows you to choose whether or not NVDA should automatically start while at the Windows sign-in screen, before you have entered a password.This also includes User Account Control and other secure screens.This option is enabled by default for fresh installations.

This option allows you to choose whether or not NVDA should create a shortcut on the desktop to start NVDA.If created, this shortcut will also be assigned a shortcut key of control+alt+n, allowing you to start NVDA at any time with this keystroke.

This option allows you to choose whether or not NVDA should copy the user configuration from the currently running NVDA into the configuration for the currently logged on user, for the installed copy of NVDA.This will not copy the configuration for any other users of this system nor to the system configuration for use during Windows sign-in and other secure screens.This option is only available when installing from a portable copy, not when installing directly from the downloaded Launcher package.

If creating a portable copy directly from the NVDA download package, press the Create Portable Copy button.If you have already closed this dialog or you are running an installed copy of NVDA, choose the Create Portable copy menu item found under Tools in the NVDA menu.

The Dialog that appears allows you to choose where the portable copy should be created.This can be a directory on your hard drive or a location on a USB thumb drive or other portable media.There is also an option to choose whether NVDA should copy the logged on user's current NVDA configuration for use with the newly created portable copy.This option is only available when creating a portable copy from an installed copy, not when creating from the download package.Pressing Continue will create the portable copy.Once creation is complete, a message will appear telling you it was successful.Press OK to dismiss this dialog.

If you want to take NVDA with you on a USB thumb drive or other writable media, then you should choose to create a portable copy.The installed copy is also able to create a portable copy of itself at any time.The portable copy also has the ability to install itself on any computer at a later time.However, if you wish to copy NVDA onto read-only media such as a CD, you should just copy the download package.Running the portable version directly from read-only media is not supported at this time.

If you have installed NVDA with the installer, then starting NVDA is as simple as either pressing control+alt+n, or choosing NVDA from the NVDA menu under Programs on the Start Menu.Additionally you can type NVDA into the Run dialog and press Enter.If NVDA is already running, it will be restarted.You can also pass some command line options which allows you to quit (-q), disable add-ons (--disable-addons), etc.

For installed copies, NVDA stores the configuration in the roaming application data folder of the current user by default (e.g. "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming").It is possible to change this in a way that NVDA loads its configuration from the local application data folder instead.Consult the section about system wide parameters for more details.

To start the portable version, go to the directory you unpacked NVDA to, and press enter or double click on nvda.exe.If NVDA was already running, it will automatically stop before starting the portable version.

As NVDA starts, you will first hear an ascending set of tones (telling you that NVDA is loading).Depending on how fast your computer is, or if you are running NVDA off a USB key or other slow media, it may take a little while to start.If it is taking an extra-long time to start, NVDA should say "Loading NVDA. Please wait..."

If you don't hear any of this, or you hear the Windows error sound, or a descending set of tones, then this means that NVDA has an error, and you will need to possibly report a bug to the developers.Please check out the NVDA website for how to do this.

When NVDA starts for the first time, you will be greeted by a dialog box which provides you with some basic information about the NVDA modifier key and the NVDA menu.(Please see further sections about these topics.)The dialog box also contains a combo box and three checkboxes.The combo box lets you select the keyboard layout.The first checkbox lets you control if NVDA should use the Caps Lock as an NVDA modifier key.The second specifies whether NVDA should start automatically after you log on to Windows and is only available for installed copies of NVDA.The third lets you control if this Welcome dialog should appear each time NVDA starts. 152ee80cbc

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