Over 20 years ago, one of my dearest friends turned me onto quality craft German and Belgian beer and that spawned the idea for BRU HAUS (2010, our first venture). We dove into it without the slightest clue as to how difficult, how much work and the commitment required to operate a restaurant/bar (My background is in commercial real estate investments). What drove us was our pursuit of quality beer that has been made for centuries in Germany and Belgium. This pursuit of quality eventually led us to the spirits world and gave rise to neat.

the long-running liquid kitty officially closed up last summer, leaving a gaping hole in the casual dive bar and punk scene out that way. but now comes the easy-drinking neat., which focuses on classic cocktails and classier digs.

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This is not written by a connoisseur of bourbon. Ninety-nine percent of bourbon drinkers know more about bourbon than I do. It is about the aesthetic of bourbon drinking in general and in particular of knocking it back neat.

Then imagine William Faulkner, having finished Absalom, Absalom!, drained, written out, pissed-off, feeling himself over the edge and out of it, nowhere, but he goes somewhere, his favorite hunting place in the Delta wilderness of the Big Sunflower River and, still feeling bad with his hunting cronies and maybe even a little phony, which he was, what with him trying to pretend that he was one of them, a farmer, hunkered down in the cold and rain after the hunt, after honorable passing up the does and seeing no bucks, shivering and snot-nosed, takes out a flat pint of any Bourbon at all and flatfoots about a third of it. He shivers again but not from the cold.

1926: As a child watching my father in Birmingham, in the exurbs, living never to number 6 fairway of the New Country Club, him disdaining both the bathtub gin and white lightning of the time, agins his own Bourbon in a charcoal keg, on his hands and knees in the basement sucking on a siphon, a matter of gravity requiring check pressed against cement floor, the siphon getting going, the decanter ready, the first hot spurt in his mouth not spat out.

1941: Drinking mint juleps, famed Southern drink, though in the Deep South not really drunk much. In fact, they are drunk so seldom that when, say, on Derby Day somebody gives a julep party, people drink them like cocktails, forgetting that a good julep holds at least five ounces of Bourbon. Men fall face-down unconscious, women wander in the woods disconsolate and amnesic, full of thoughts of Kahlil Gibran and the limberlost.

Would you believe the first mint julep I had I was sitting not on a columned porch but in the Boo Snooker bar of the New Yorker Hotel with a Bellevue nurse in 1941? The nurse, a nice upstate girl, head floor nurse, brisk, swift, good looking; Bellevue nurses the best in the world and this one was the best of Bellevue, at least the best looking. The julep, an atrocity, a heavy syrupy Bourbon and water in a small glass clotted with ice. But good!

The activation function, bool Network::activate(), gives the specifics. Theimplementation is of course considerably different than for a simple layeredfeedforward network. Each node adds up the activation from all incoming nodesfrom the previous timestep. (The function also handles a special "time delayed"connection, but that is not used by the current version of NEAT in anyexperiments that we have published.) Another way to understand it is to realizethat activation does not travel all the way from the input layer to the outputlayer in a single timestep. In a single timestep, activation only travels fromone neuron to the next. So it takes several timesteps for activation to get fromthe inputs to the outputs. If you think about it, this is the way it works in areal brain, where it takes time for a signal hitting your eyes to get to thecortex because it travels over several neural connections.

So, if one of the evolved networks is not feedforward, the outputs of the network will change in different timesteps and this is particularly useful in continuous control problems, where the environment is not static, but also problematic in classification problems. The author also answers:

The proper (and quite nice) way to do it is to check every hidden node and outputnode from one timestep to the next, and see if nothing has changed, or at leastnot changed within some delta. Once this criterion is met, the output must bestable.

Note that output may not always stabilize in some cases. Also, for continuouscontrol problems, do not check for stabilization as the network never "settles"but rather continuously reacts to a changing environment. Generally,stabilization is used in classification problems, or in board games.

wait until all incoming connections to a node have a signal then sum-squash activate and send to all output connections of that node. Start from input nodes that already have a signal from the input vector. Manually 'shunt' output nodes with a sum-squash operation once there are no more nodes to be processed to get the output vector.

Now forward propagation is the same as feed forward network except: don't wait for connections that are recurrent, sum-squash as soon as all non-recurrent connections have arrived (0 for recurrent connections that don't have a signal yet). This ensures that the first node reached in a cycle is set to recurrent, making it deterministic for any given topology and recurrent connections pass data to the next propagation time step.

This has some first time overhead but is concise and produces the same results with a given topology each time its ran. Note that this only works when all nodes have a path to output so you cant necessarily disable split connections (connections that were made from node addition operations) and prune randomly during evolution without making considerations.

(P.S. This also creates a traditional residual-recurrent network that in theory could be implemented as matrix operations trivially. If I had large networks I would first 'express' by running forward propagation once to get recurrent connections then create a 'tensor per layer' representation for matrix-multiplication operations using recurrent, weight, and signal connection attributes with recurrent connection attribute as a sparse binary mask. I actually started writing a Tensorflow implementation that performed all mutation/augmentation operations with tf.sparse_matrix operations and didn't use any tree objects but I had to use dense operations and the n^2 space consumed is too much for what I need but this allowed the use of the aforementioned adjacency matrix powers trick since in matrix form! At least one other person on Github has done tf NEAT but I'm unsure of their implementation. Also I found this interesting -python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/neat_overview.html)

Hate Litter? Want to help your community? The Clean Neighborhood Project (a Keep Norman Neat effort) is a great way to give back to your community while beautifying your City. Your team selects the location and the day to hold your cleanup - maybe on your very own street - and the City provides supplies and trash disposal!

Supplies provided include trash bags, gloves, safety vests, and trash grabbers (as available). A team member can pick them up at the reception desk in the Development Center (225 N. Webster). Each participant must complete this waiver, and the completed waivers must be provided to pick up your supplies. Names, signatures, and dates may be written on the back of the form to accommodate more participants or additional sheets may be completed. To register your event, simply fill out the form below and submit it. Don't forget your waivers!

When you are finished, please securely close your bags and stack them neatly on the curb. Send an email to CleanupRequests@normanok.gov with the location information. We will handle disposal from there!

Jeff, wow your blog has many many years of comments! Some smart (Jean Claude) some not so much..(Wooten)You should be proud! thanks for taking the time To make this lingo very clear. Best Regards from Tx.

I really felt like I was in the twilight zone as I have asked for the same drink nearly every night for forty years in exactly the same manner as I stated above & this was the first time I actually stumped the stars.

Good article and comments. As a scotch enthusiast this was interesting to read. I usually order mine with a ice cube or two, I will have to try it neat soon. I am not a big people person but would like to learn the craft and maybe own day own a nice bar.

Allowing the customer to make a mistake is not good service IMO. And in his defense, Chuck did say he would offer to pay for his mistakently ordered drink. Some of the responses made it sound like Chuck asked the bar to pay for his mistake.

Bar patrons around the world: you do not have to keep taking this kind of crap from your local bartenders!!! Demand excellence. It will push the hacks out and increase the numbers that drop their attitudes, provide excellent, friendly service and ensure satisfaction.

I think customers (in bars, but in hospitality services in general) have set our standards WAY too low for FAR too long, being served by mostly 20 somethings who have no interest in their professions and are mostly in it to make cash tips. This is why a customer who insists to be 1) treated as very important even if he is not swilling cheap stale domestic like all the yahoos, and 2) sends drinks back that are not made to his liking, appears to have an attitude.

One solution I have found is to ask the bartender for a cocktail straw. I then can precisely add the amount of water I need from whatever size glass with however much cubed or crushed ice they may hand me. I simply dip the straw into the water, cover the end with a finger, and carry it over to my scotch. This is also a fine way to extend the drink experience, similar to an absinthe drip.

In most of Europe, ordering a water back gets you a small pitcher of luke water. In the states, ordering a water back usually gets you a huge glass of ice water. Does it set a bad tone if you explain to the bartender that you want a tradtional water back, after they hand you the big red plastic cup of ice cold tap water rocks? What is the best way/time to make this clarification? 152ee80cbc

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