I have a Yubikey 5 NFC and I am trying to configure it on a test bench for windows login authentication. I cannot seem to get the certificate to enroll on the Yubikey. I have followed the Yubikey Smartcard deployment guide, but does not seem to be working as expected.

It does not ask for a Yubikey PIN and it just completes the setup wizard. I cannot seem to get the certificate to go to the Yubikey. I've tried a workaround where I export the certificate and private key and then manually add it to a slot on the Yubikey, but when I plug it into the Windows 10 machine, I get an error when trying to login with smartcard saying "No valid certificates were found on this smartcard. Please try another smartcard or contact your administrator".

Windows 10 Smart Card Minidriver Download

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I'm starting the development of a smart card minidriver (using MS Base CSP). I have a question that I would appreciate any help with.I followed the minidriver_Spec_V5 for registering the minidriver in the registry but when testing windows logon it does not load my dll.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\SmartCards\Test Card Minidriver]




"Crypto Provider"="Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider"



The minidriver is a simple skeleton with DllMain, CardAcquireContext(checking some flags and ATR, no function pointers used/set). I write log entries to a file in DllMain and in other functions, but nothing at all is generated. It seems that BaseCSP is not loading my minidriver. Without the registry entry Winlogon doesn't recognize the card, but with the registry entry it prompts for a PIN and then it always shows the error: "The system could not log you on. The requested key container does not exist on the smart card". Whether I put/remove the 80000001 in the registry entry I get the exact same error and my minidriver is not loaded (ever). I am also able to rename/delete the tcm.dll from the system32 dir after booting, shouldn't it be locked by the system.Thanks for any help.-Randy

The default Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider is a non-smart card CSP. You have to download a Microsoft Windows Update #KB909520 in order to have the new smart card architecture Base CSP. =e8095fd5-c7e5-4bee-9577-2ea6b45b41c6&DisplayLang=enCheers,


When a user inserts a smart card into a smart card reader on a computer that is running Windows 7, Windows 7 tries to download and install the smart card minidrivers for the card by using Plug and Play services. If the driver for the smart card is not available at any of the preconfigured locations such as Windows Update, Windows displays an error message in the notification area that states that the driver software was not found.

All smart cards require additional software to work in Windows unless there is an inbox driver that lets the user use the card without installing additional software. The Windows Smart Card Framework was improved in Windows 7 to enable automatic download for smart card minidrivers from Windows Update or from other similar locations, such as a WSUS server, when the smart card is inserted into the reader. All smart cards that successfully pass the logo requirements, as published by the Windows Logo Program, benefit from this feature.

 However, if the software that is required to use a smart card in Windows is not logoed or is of a type that differs from a minidriver, such as a PKCS#11 driver, a custom CSP, middleware, or an ActiveX control, the automatic download option fails because Microsoft certifies only smart card minidrivers. Therefore, if the user inserts a card for which a custom CSP is not already registered, the user receives an error message that states that the driver software is missing for the smart card device even though the user can use the smart card through additional software that was installed on the user's computer from a custom installation.

SafeNet Minidriver offers lightweight PKI management functionality and is perfect for small to medium size businesses with limited deployments. SafeNet Minidriver manages Thales extensive SafeNet portfolio of certificate-based authenticators, including eTokens, SafeNet IDPrime smart cards, SafeNet IDPrime Virtual and combined PKI/FIDO devices.

SafeNet Minidriver is a perfect solution for IT departments who need minimal administrative support and just need a lightweight software. With SafeNet Minidriver, IT departments can easily manage Thales minidriver-enabled smart cards and eTokens in a Windows environment.

Learn how the SafeNet Minidriver provides a simple way to use our minidriver enabled smart cards and tokens in a Windows environment. It's perfect for organizations with smaller deployments that need minimal administrative support and want a light solution to manage SafeNet...

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, February 7, 2019 -- Versasec, the leader in smart card management systems, rolled out the latest generation of its flagship identity and access management (IAM) solution today. vSEC:CMS S-Series v5.4 incorporates a variety of important new features, including new console

This how-to article explains how to configure a DigiCert PKI Platform certificate profile to enforce the use of Yubico's YubiKey to store/manage a certificate that can then be used for smart card logon.

The minidriver component of Nexus Personal Desktop Client implements a Microsoft smart card minidriver. It is a simpler alternative to a legacy cryptographic service provider (CSP). For more information about minidrivers, refer to Microsoft documentation.

Any application using Microsoft CryptoAPI (MSCAPI) can automatically access the smart card and smart card reader support of Personal Desktop Client. Some examples of applications using this API are WinLogon, Microsoft Office and Edge Browser.

Smart card enrollment is not supported with fast smart card. Smart card enrollment might work when fast smart card is disabled, but depends on the type of smart card and middleware. Contact your smart card and middleware vendor for information on their integration with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops and support for smart card enrollment over virtual sessions.

Smart cards for enterprise use contain digital certificates. These smart cards support Windows Logon, and can also be used with applications for digital signing and encryption of documents and email. Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops support these uses.

Smart cards for consumer use do not contain digital certificates; they contain a shared secret. These smart cards can support payments (such as a chip-and-signature or chip-and-PIN credit card). They do not support Windows Logon or typical Windows applications. Specialized Windows applications and a suitable software infrastructure (including, for example, a connection to a payment card network) are needed for use with these smart cards. Contact your Citrix representative for information on supporting these specialized applications on Citrix Virtual Apps or Citrix Virtual Desktops.

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops smart card support is based on the Microsoft Personal Computer/Smart Card (PC/SC) standard specifications. A minimum requirement is that smart cards and smart card devices must be supported by the underlying Windows operating system and must be approved by the Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) to be used on computers running qualifying Windows operating systems. See the Microsoft documentation for additional information about hardware PC/SC compliance. Other types of user devices might comply with the PS/SC standard. For more information, refer to the Citrix Ready program.

The following smart card and middleware combinations for Windows systems have been tested by Citrix as representative examples of their type. However, other smart cards and middleware can also be used. For more information about Citrix-compatible smart cards and middleware, see

Fast smart card is an improvement over the existing HDX PC/SC-based smart card redirection. It improves performance when smart cards are used in high-latency WAN situations. When latency is high, the performance improvement can be significant (for example, 15 seconds for a Windows fast smart card logon versus more than 1 minute with the PC/SC-based smart card redirection).

Starting with VDA version 2203 and Citrix Workspace app version 2202 for Windows (or later) fast smart card is compatible with Cryptography Next Generation (CNG). In addition, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) smart cards are supported with the following curves: P-256, P-384, P-521 bits, for both ECDSA and ECDH.

A smart card reader might be built in to the user device, or be separately attached to the user device (usually via USB or Bluetooth). Contact card readers that comply with the USB Chip/Smart Card Interface Devices (CCID) specification are supported. They contain a slot or swipe into which the user inserts the smart card. The Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft (DK) standard defines four classes of contact card readers.

For information about supported smart card readers, see the documentation for the Citrix Workspace app you are using. In the Citrix Workspace app documentation, supported versions are listed in a smart card article or in the system requirements article.

Multiple smart cards and multiple readers can be used on the same user device, but if pass-through authentication is in use, only one smart card must be inserted when the user starts a virtual desktop or application. When a smart card is used within an application (for example, for digital signing or encryption functions), there might be other prompts to insert a smart card or enter a PIN. This can occur if more than one smart card has been inserted at the same time. 17dc91bb1f

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